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Effect of Alcohol on the Skin?

I'm pretty sure its not great, but what is the effect of moderate drinking on the skin? And how quickly will the skin recover once the drinking stops?

Sat. Oct 21, 1:05pm

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I wonder the same thing. It cant be a good effect, obviously. I'm 25, and I go thru bouts of binge drinking, and then periods of abstinence. I notice that, although i'm still fairly young, I look a lot worse under the eyes after a night of heavy drinking than I did a few years ago. I suppose it's kind of obvious that it would be bad for the skin because alcohol dehydrates the body, and the skin needs moisture to look its best. . . Not a doctor, but just giving some input here...

Saturday, October 21, 2006, 1:09 PM

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Celtic complexions are prone to facial roseacea (sp?), which is a mottled redness and looks like a rash. I can get a light case of this on my cheeks after a single night of serious drinking, and my face takes a few days to fully recover. I do that maybe once a year. My usual "habit" involves 1-3 units of alcohol (light buzz) once or twice a month, and my skin is unaffected by this.

Saturday, October 21, 2006, 5:09 PM

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this is helpful, thanks.

Sunday, October 22, 2006, 11:20 AM

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Alcohol is very drying to the skin

Alcohol in general is very dehydrating to the body, and the first place it comes from is the skin. Your internal organs have to have water in order to function, but if skin get dehydrated, you aren't going to die. This is why our skin looks so crappy after a night of drinking. Moisture in the cells of your skin is what keeps it plump and full, not dehydrated and sucked up. Your skin is very forgiving, especially when you are younger, but like all good things, that forgiveness comes to an end. Just like yo-yo dieting, or that really hot but good for nothing guy you sometimes hang out with, it can end in a way we weren't really planning. Be good to your skin. Keep the water on hand, wash your face before going to sleep (even if it is one of those pre-soaped cleansing cloths), and give yourself a few days to rebound. Besides, it is better for the liver!

Monday, October 23, 2006, 2:07 AM

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Last year I went to my 20 year reunion from High school.

I noticed that the people who tended to be hard partiers had aged a lot more quickly than those who don't drink much....

I also noticed a friend who seemed to age a lot within a year or 2 because of his drinking as well...

Another friend who used to drink a lot but doesn't any more has become much more youthful, friendly and outgoing (because Alcohol IS a DEPRESSANT) since he quit drinking. He looks healthier, his skin is pinker....

Hope this helps.

Monday, October 23, 2006, 9:52 AM

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this has been my experience in a big way. When I don't drink my skin feels great. When I do, it itches. I can't believe we drink so much as a society.

Sunday, October 7, 2007, 2:25 PM

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