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Envy as motivation?

Hey there's nothing quite so motivating for me than seeing a friend, whose life is pretty parallel to mine in terms of age, work, family set up (she just had a baby around the same time as me, also works from home, etc)... she lives out West, but she's in New York visiting for a while... and she looks slim and fabulous.. and I'm carrying around an extra 30 pounds after my baby! Ugh. Anyone out there know how I feel? Well, I KNOW that there are. As women we can't fail to compare ourselves and suffer from body image issues. This friend of mine is really great and I feel nothing but ENVY and wanting to look like that. She has a waistline, slim legs, looks great in her size 8 jeans (we're also the same height, 5'10") I'm in a size 14 wearing long cardigans to camouflage the weight gain. She's wearing little t-shirts and jeans, and even FLAT SHOES! All my size 8 clothes are hanging in the closet at home.

Out of all the things that have motivated me lately to lose weight, this has got to be one of the biggest kicks in the butt. Just thought I'd share that and see if anyone else has sucessfully used a fabulous-looking friend to motivate them into serious weight loss? Please tell me about it!!

Sun. Oct 22, 6:58am

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OP again here: the one thing I failed to emphasize in my post was that we used to be the SAME SIZE! :(

Sunday, October 22, 2006, 7:00 AM

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I know exactly what you mean..I have a sister who was always much bigger then me..I wore a size 12, and she was peobably about a 22..Well she started boot camp last year and she looks FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is probably a little heavier than me, but she is so toned she looks unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is now wearing a 12, and they are a little big, mine are she has motivated me to tone up and loose a few pounds..You can look as good as your friend does..we have to "just do it"!!! Good luck!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006, 9:17 AM

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I have INSANE envy and use it in a positive way. Every time I feel envious I think, I must want this in my life and I have to have it. It gives me a clear idea of what I want and what my goals should be. I have successfully lost weight with this strategy but I've done a lot of things successfully. I've gotten better jobs, I've bought a house. It's a powerful thing when envy is channeled appropriately. there's a good book about this too, I can't remember the name of it but you don't need to read it anyway. I basically surmised it here. Thanks for the post OP.

Monday, October 23, 2006, 10:18 AM

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