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Sorry, I had to do it. Go vote. Vote your conscience. Vote thoughtfully. Nobody has all the answers for everyone, so ignore all the partisan hoopla, consider your values and the direction you want to see your country take, and cast your vote as meaningfully as you can.
I'd rather see someone vote thoughtfully and cancel me out, than to see someone vote carelessly. And yes, two voters can vote thoughtfully and vote for different people, because nothing is as simple as all that.
Thu. Nov 2, 3:45pm
well said - thank you.
Thursday, November 2, 2006, 3:59 PM
Yes, well put ... but it would be great if every voter took some time to learn about the candidates' track records and positions on issues that matter to them through websites like your local League of Women Voters Don't just listen to the ads .. better yet, don't listen to the ads at all! Get good unbiased information and make up your own mind.
Thursday, November 2, 2006, 10:06 PM
Often, a local newspaper will have an election issue, summarizing candidates positions, printing voting instructions, and showing the voting location for your residence. This helpful guide is often printed the Sunday before an election. If you call your local newspaper's office, they can tell you if/when they will be printing their election issue. It's a very quick and easy way to get ready for election day.
Friday, November 3, 2006, 3:39 AM
i completely agree with the above posters. but for a good laugh, here is a quote i heard a few years ago:
a young person who votes republican has no heart
a middle-aged person who votes democrat has no brain
and a person who doesn't vote has no courage.
Friday, November 3, 2006, 5:35 PM
For unbiased guide to voting, make sure to pick up of a copy of The New York Times.
Friday, November 3, 2006, 5:52 PM
A local newspaper is necessary to understand the local questions that will be on the ballot -- especially if the questions on the ballot will be in confusing language (the confusing language is often politically motivated). Also, your local paper may be your only source to learn about the candidates for your municipal, county, and state offices. If you go into the voting booth and discover questions and candidates unfamiliar to you, many states allow you to skip the item, leaving it blank. Of course, the best plan is to be prepared by reading the sample ballot in your local newspaper ahead of time.
Saturday, November 4, 2006, 7:46 AM
I used to live in Berkeley, CA, and one great thing there was that 2 or 3 weeks before the election they would send out a booklet (on really cheap paper) detailing ALL the races, from presidential to the school board and all the city bond issues, with "pro" and "con" statements afterward. It took a couple of evenings to read, but in terms of really understanding what you are voting on, couldnt' be beat.
Does all of California do that, or just Berkeley?
I know it must have been incredibly expensive, but I wish they did it everywhere. (yes I'd pay more taxes for it!) I think it's the best way to have an informed electorate that I've ever seen, because it reached everyone who had a mailbox -- you didn't need to have a TV or a computer or pay for the paper to be delivered.
Saturday, November 4, 2006, 8:05 AM
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