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Stressful Weight Gain

My husband and I just got seperated and the months leading up to the seperation were anything but pleasant. Never before have I turned to food as a comfort but this time around I did!
Any suggestions on what to do???
I have gained 20 pounds in 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so close to my target and now I feel so far away. Not to mention my overall self worth has dropped. Please help.

Sat. Nov 4, 9:36am

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weight loss

weight watchers has been a great help to me so far i have only been on it for a week and i have already lost about 5 pounds. its hard but a little easier then i thought it was going to be you just need to count your points get books on how many points certain things are they have all sorts of things. get a little note book and write down the things you eat and how many points you have left for the day and they have meetings too. hope i helped a little.

and the good thing about this is they have weight watchers ice cream and its pretty good

Saturday, November 04, 2006, 10:26 AM

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First, figure out what point you're at emotionally. Are you ready to take on the the task of losing weight yet? Divorce, death, etc. can make you see things like weight loss as "trivial" for a period of time. If you're still at that point, I would suggest focusing on not gaining any more weight.

Your best bet would be to pursue a form of exercise that you enjoy, since exercise releases feelgood endorphins, like a natural anti-depressant (perhaps you've heard of the "runner's high"?). I'm sure you could use some of those right now.

I speak as someone who gained a total of 90 pounds from an unhappy marriage followed by a live-in relationship with a nasty powertripper. It was a hard lesson to learn, but now I don't turn to food to deal with relationship issues. I literally look at the cookies with disdain and say to myself "no man is worth destroying my body for".

Saturday, November 04, 2006, 11:52 AM

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It sounds like you need some emotional support and a stress reliever at the same time. Do you have a buddy you could exercise with? I'm not saying that it necessarily needs to be someone you can unburden yourself to, but someone who you can joke around with and who can help you remember what 'normal' life is like and that the world just keeps turning no matter what life heaps on you. Plus you need to move your body - it will thank you for it. Not to get too touchy-feely but I often think that bad emotions accumulate like toxins and your body needs exercise to help get things flowing and get them out of your system.

Where are you located?

Saturday, November 04, 2006, 7:49 PM

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