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OT Reccommendations for a Romantic Restaurant in Chicago

my anniversary is next month and i wanna take my wife to a nice romantic rest. for our anniversary,. I have looked at Everest and Nine and they seem nice but reallllly expensive. can anyone from chicago help me out?

Tue. Nov 7, 11:55am

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If you like fondue, a lot of people like Geja's.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 11:59 AM

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I wanted to know myself so this link looked promising. Would love to hear from people who have actually been though. Hey, if you live in Chicago, will you check out the link and let us know which one you'd recommend?


Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 2:01 PM

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Spring, emerest, both fabulous.

Do not go to Geja's. It's not worth it.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 2:04 PM

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Geja's is great. I absolutely love that place.

Everest is amazing I agree- but very very expensive

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 2:17 PM

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I live in Chicago. I've heard that Geja's is not as good as, and more expensive than, the Melting Pot. Don't know if this is true b/c I haven't been there, but just what I've heard.

My favorite romantic restauraunt in Chicago is The Grotto. It's located at the intersection of State and Rush, right in the heart of the Gold Coast. It's right across the street from Gibson's (famous steakhouse, which, in my opinion is very overrated - and also, you likely can't get reservations at any kind of decent time). Anyway, the Grotto is a steakhouse, and both the food and service are SUPERB! And it's less expensive than most of the other Chicago steakhouses. And it's definitely more romantic than Morton's (which is right next door, and has a smokey, sporty atmosphere).

Anyway, I recommend the Grotto. Their website is in the link below.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 3:14 PM

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I'm the 3:14pm poster again. I looked at the OP's link for restaurants and wanted to add my 2 cents on that link. I've been to Le Lan, the Signature Room, and Seasons (got engaged there!) Here are my opinions:

Le Lan - didn't like it b/c everything had cilantro, which I HATE, but if you don't have that problem, then it could be good.

Signature Room - very romantic (on top of the Hancock Building), and also very good, but expensive and a bit touristy. If you're coming for the weekend, I'd advise, instead, having lunch at the Signature Lounge (one floor higher) and enjoying the view. The Lounge has sandwiches and appetizers for about $10 each (and the drinks are that much too), so it's over priced, but not as expensive as the Signature Room. Plus, if you just want the "tour" of the top of the Hancock Building (the observatory), they charge $10 a person to get up there anyway. I'd rather go up for free to the Lounge and have a $10 sandwich than pay $10 for an elevator ride. Just my opinion.

Seasons - it is very upscale, and very good. When we went, we got a 7-course tasting menu, or something like that. It was very very expensive, but really really good. However, the restaurant itself is very old-fashioned looking, with all antique-looking furniture, so it just depends if that's your thing. It's very fancy.

Based on location, I wouldn't personally go to Everest, or either of the restaurants on Milwaukee, just because they're not near much nightlife, and you might want to go out afterwards. Same for Tallgrass. The rest of them on your list are in good areas for going out afterwards, except maybe Ambria, but it's right on Lincoln Park, which is beautiful, and it's supposed to be really good, so I wouldn't rule that one out by location.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 3:24 PM

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