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ipod for dummies
how much are they?
are they worth the money?
is it easy to put songs on it?
are they those things I see strapped to people's arms as they workout?
does it matter what kind of computer I have (apple, mac, pc, whatever)?
hmmm - any other helpful info would be appreciated! thanks!
Fri. Nov 17, 4:47pm
how much are they? A: Depends on how many songs you want to hold. I'm a little out of touch w/current prices, but if you want an actual iPod, I think the smaller ones are about $200 now (correct me if I'm wrong, fellow PT'ers!). There are also less expensive versions from different brands, iPod is just the most popular.
are they worth the money? A: I loved mine when I had a long commute & for work (at a desk job).
is it easy to put songs on it? A: Once you get used to it, yes. But there aren't very good directions that come w/it, so it takes some time at first to figure it out.
are they those things I see strapped to people's arms as they workout? A: yep, most likely.
does it matter what kind of computer I have (apple, mac, pc, whatever)? A: it shouldn't. I have a pc and it works, and I'm sure it would work with macs too.
It's a great way to keep lots of music in one small place!
Friday, November 17, 2006, 4:57 PM
I got the cheapest one, and it was $69. Love it. It might not hold as many songs, but it works great for my runs (I can just put it in my shorts pocket. I agree with the above poster-the directions aren't very good, but once you get it figured out, it's easy to install the music. Ipods are actually made for Macs, but they also work on others. We have Macs both at home and at work, and I just upload my music from work. I use it for the commute to and from work (I take the bus and the train), as well as walks during lunch.
Beth (babooshka)
Friday, November 17, 2006, 5:04 PM
LOVED my iPod and thought it was really easy to use. One word of warning though--get the extended warranty!! I didn't and mine broke three weeks past the warranty that came with it. :( I'm not sure what happened; I ran with it one day then went to use it the next and it was dead. It was the iPod Mini FYI. I don't think they make it anymore.
Friday, November 17, 2006, 5:33 PM
Great invention. I use mine at work, on the bus, while running, cleaning the house, etc. You do need to be careful with them though. My first one broke because the USB plug got damaged. They sent me a new one within days.
I got the simplest version for around $100 (a year ago). It holds enough songs for me...
Friday, November 17, 2006, 6:03 PM
look at different brands/features
I have an iPod and it works fine. However, other MP3 players come with a built-in radio, which the iPod doesn't. Mine was a gift, but if I was buying for myself I would get one with radio+mp3 capability. And other brands can be a lot cheaper, too.
Friday, November 17, 2006, 6:29 PM
Oh, and yes those are mp3 players people have on their arms, and no, my iPod works with all my computers, which have totally different operating systems. (Mac and 2 flavors of PC.)
Friday, November 17, 2006, 6:30 PM
OP here
wow! what a great bunch of people you all are! thanks for all the answers! I think I have found what I'm going to ask for for Christmas! : )
It sounds like it would be a really great asset to my workouts. Yay!
Friday, November 17, 2006, 8:45 PM
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