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How is it that a new member can join a group and never post a single word and remain in that group for over a couple days? It is very frustrating. There are probably plenty of people who could take this space and benefit from the group but we have to wait over a week for the person to get dropped. If you join a group, you should have to post immediately. At least introduce yourself.

Sun. Oct 9, 4:38pm

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People who never post at all get removed after 3 days. Poll: should they be removed earler?

Sunday, October 09, 2005, 4:48 PM

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I've got someone in one of my groups who has been there for almost a week and has never posted. When I click on their name to see when they last posted, there is no date.

Sunday, October 09, 2005, 4:49 PM

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it looks like the membership is based on whether they post their own logs not posting to the comments section. I think membership should be based on both. Why have someone in a group that isn't commenting? They could be active in one group and not at all in another, but because they are logging in their own file, they aren't dropped from the group. Is it possible two have two separate business rules that govern membership?

User does not post in comments section of group for 3 days - System sends warning email "Please comment in Group X to maintain membership in group."

User does not post in comments section of group for 5 days - Sytem drops member from group.

User does not post in own log for 7 days - System drops user from all groups.

User marks "On Vacation" - System reserves all warnings and drops for 7 days (or whatever it currently is)


Sunday, October 09, 2005, 4:54 PM

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Those are good ideas, Amanda. The person in my group who has never posted, I honestly believe has never posted anything other than their initial profile.

Sunday, October 09, 2005, 6:00 PM

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You all raised some valid points so I wanted to explore this further.

Currently a member in a public group is removed after 7 days, with the 7 days counting from not logging OR not commenting. If a user has not logged, in 12 days, but did comment 6 days ago, the system keeps them in the group. This rule was created as a direct response from users who said, I am actively commenting in my group and I want to remain in there even if I don't log because I am a motivator!

If a user does not log, ever, they are removed after 3 days of joining that group.

If a user checks the on vacation/travelling box, they can remain in the public group, but are removed after 14 days, even if the box is checked.

So you're thinking that if they don't comment (because commenting is really an integral part of motivating) they should be removed after 5 days?



Sunday, October 09, 2005, 6:47 PM

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I can understand if someone doesn't log what they're doing for a few days at a time. I also know some people like to comment and not log. I don't really mind that. As long as I know they're there. Some people have really good reasons for not logging. I think when you've made a connection to a group or person who has really helped you, you don't want to lose them just because they didn't log or comment but when you are not doing both for a week at a time, it can't be helping the person or the group members. I guess I'm surprised by the 3 days of not logging after joining a group and being removed because the person in my group doesn't appear to have done anything. OK, I just checked and it finally says her last log was the 6th (I swear it was longer) and she's never posted anything. So the 3 day rule should apply to her and she'll probably be gone tomorrow. There are so many dedicated users here. I wish I didn't have to be in 5 groups to get the feedback/support that I need. Thanks, Jackie!

Sunday, October 09, 2005, 9:08 PM

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sharing ideas is a big part of this, i'll try to post even when I'm traveling, but sometimes it just doesn't happen

Monday, October 10, 2005, 6:04 AM

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I'm in several groups in which no one has posted comments in the past 5 days! But looking back, we have some great discussion threads! We all watch each other, and when we have something to ask or comment on, we do. It works well! I agree that if people aren't logging they should be kicked out, but, if we got kicked out for not commenting for a few days, I don't know anyone in any of my groups who'd still be here!

Monday, October 10, 2005, 8:01 AM

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3 days to a warning and then 7? Here's the thing.. people have lives. There may be great conversations initially, but then people will lose steam on logging... Do you want to be in a group with someone who has great things to say but doesn't have the time to be an active poster?

Here's another point to consider... sometimes people are in a group and have no idea what to say to each other. I've joined and "lurked" in a couple of groups because I can't think of a damn thing to contribute to the conversation. I think I'd like it if the system automatically dropped me from groups I can't think of anything to say to.

Finally, if you're logging off peertrainer or won't be active for a while, you can always post your anonymous yahoo or hotmail account so that people can find you on IM. Just make sure it doesn't have your last name.


Monday, October 10, 2005, 10:59 AM

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I am so motivated now and it's only been 30 minutes since I've started...

Monday, October 10, 2005, 3:26 PM

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Commenting should not be compulsory!!!!

I don't think commenting should be compulsory at all - it would lead to superficial comments, and would force us to join very few groups (or else devote our lives to chatting on PT) which would be a shame. Variety is fun, and helps since ppl get busy at different times.
Anyway, ppl often "comment", i.e., raise issues, in their own logs.

However, I do think logging should be compulsory. Personally, I would find it creepy if someone is logging in to PT, reading everyone else's logs and commenting to the group, but never divulging any info about their own diet/exercise in their own log. Motivator? Voyeur more like!


Monday, October 10, 2005, 7:04 PM

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