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Tips for avoiding temptation

My husband brought a bag of chips home from work and they are calling my name. Any tips on avoiding temptations?


Thu. Jan 4, 6:57pm

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Put them in the cupboard out of view! And, maybe have a little protein snack like a teaspoon of peanut butter (or two) -- much healthier than chips! If you fill up on good stuff, you won't want bad. If you just absolutely MUST have some, then have only 3. That's enough to get the taste that you want without eating a bunch of mindless calories. Good luck!!! I've been there and know what that's like.

Thursday, January 04, 2007, 7:29 PM

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Tips from a fellow junk food lover

Try having a big cup of tea. I love how it fills you up. Remind yourself that you are working hard on being healthy and develop a mantra! Say it over and over again until you convince yourself that the chips will only give you satisfaction for about 5 min. and then you might feel guilty.
My boyfriend, whom I live with, eats such tempting foods, so I know how you feel. If you really want chips, go to the grocery store and buy one of those snack packs and just have one bag. Or, try to divert your attention onto something else. Maybe take a hot bath. I hope this helps. Stay positive!

Thursday, January 04, 2007, 7:31 PM

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Sometimes being a food snob works, this was a tip from another PT member. Rather than eat the junk that's in my office or at home, I'll say to myself, if I'm going to have a treat and the extra calories, then I better make it a quality treat and eat something REALLY good, like a chocolate truffle. So if I'm good, for let's say 1 week without giving into temptations just b/c they are nearby, then I reward myself with something I'll really enjoy.

Thursday, January 04, 2007, 7:39 PM

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These are all really good tips - you guys are great. The only other thing I wanted to add was about whether there's a way to avoid having your husband bring such snacks home. My husband and I have come to an agreement that he has only junk food I don't like at home, and the rest he keeps at work or sometimes has in his car (but I never see it). It's a compromise he's willing to make to have a happy healthy wife, and of course there are other areas of our life that I compromise in that help him be happier. For another woman in one of my groups, her husband has whatever he wants at home, but keeps his private stash 'somewhere' and doesn't eat it in front of her. Someone else suggested that hubby has his own lockable cupboard. Some of these ideas may seem extreme to some, but the real secret I think is finding something that will work for both you and your hubby. Sounds like lots of good tips abound anyway. Keep up your good progress - it's worth it, and you're worth it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007, 7:45 PM

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Great suggestions! Definitely get those chips out of sight! Then, when you remember or are reminded of them and feel tenpted to eat them, that's an "impulse moment' (in the parlance of Dr. Phil's book). Impulse moments only last a few minutes, and then they pass. You just need to distract yourself and wait it out. Find something to occupy yourself that is incomatible with eating those chips. Anything will do - phone a friend, take a bath, go for a walk, vacuum the house - so long as you can't be eating those chips at the same time.

Thursday, January 04, 2007, 9:56 PM

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Thanks! These are some great tips! Just what I needed :)

Friday, January 05, 2007, 1:06 AM

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