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is this a good snack

tuna? crackers? peas even if they have butter on them?

Tue. Oct 18, 11:00pm

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how to tell a good snack for you

Your question has many answers. A person doing a low-fat diet would choose the crackers. A person doing a low-carb diet would choose the tuna. A person counting calories would take the peas with butter in stride, just including the calories in the total count for the day. You might enjoy spending some time in the diet aisle at Barnes & Noble and choosing a diet plan that fits the way you eat and play... grab a few interesting diet books off the shelf, plunk down in one of those plushy chairs, and choose a diet that fits you! Good luck with your goals!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 5:39 AM

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Use your logs to find out which is a good snack for you - eat one and pay attention to how long after you ate you are hungry/craving again.

Personally, crackers keep me full for about 20 minutes, and then I want more. Most crackers are just refined (bad) carbs and sodium with no nutritional value, which means they are digested very quickly, spiking your blood sugar. As you come off your sugar high, your cravings start over.

Tuna is mostly protein, and I know that protein keeps me full for lots longer than crackers. I just read an article in this month's Self that said that people in a study who were given more protein to eat spontaneously decreased their caloric intake by more than 400 calories per day! I don't remember how much protein the people ate, but later in the article, the author recommends getting 20% of your daily calories from protein.

Peas are good because they are a low calorie/high nutrient density food. That means you get a lot of minerals and vitamins with each bite, but you can eat lots and lots of them without getting too many calories. The butter changes that a bit, but as other threads have pointed out, fat makes you feel full, which stops you from eating too much.

So I'd go for the tuna or the peas, or both! A protein/complex carb/small amount of fat mix is what keeps me the fullest for longest, which is generally my goal when snacking. I'd say focus on the protein, though, since carbs and fats are the easiest to eat.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 8:53 AM

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