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Anyone try NV? Or other diet pills?
Not looking for a quick fix, just curious as to whether people actually try this stuff as it comes out.
Tue. Jan 23, 5:28pm
I take the Womens One a Day Weight Smart. Only because I wanted a multivitamin with good amounts of calcium and iron. It had both and I figured if it did help me lose some weight why not.
I saw the commercial with Carmen Electra for the NV and thought yeah Carmen who doesn't hide that she works out a lot, keeps her shape through a diet drink. At least Anna Nicole was fat, but I still don't believe any of this stuff works.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 5:34 PM
Five years ago, I lost 40 lbs. with xenadrine (4 months). I worked out and ate very little (probably about 800 calories per day). The truth is Xenadrine made me so sick to my stomach, I didn't want to eat (talk about healthy, right?) I didn't care because I was finally losing weight, and very rapidly. I didn't know that I was ruining my metabolism and hurting myself. I thought that you kind of had to be a little crazy and sick in order to lose weight. I had no idea what it took to lose weight in a healthy way.
Anyway...after getting down to one small meal a day I thought "wow, I think this is what anorexic people do"...and that made me want to eat. I had to wean myself off of the drug because I was taking 6-8 pills per day. I went into a huge depression (had anxiety attacks all day, every day, thought about suicide) and longed for the drug (I took it a total of 8 months). I gained all my weight back and looked even worse than I did before I started taking it because all my muscle was gone.
I'm healthy now. I workout, eat balanced, and take very good care of myself.
Don't take this crap. It really messes with the chemicals in your brain. It's not healthy. Be good to yourselves and take your time discovering a healthy, natural lifestyle that you can do forever.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 1:16 PM
I like Relicore. It keeps me "balanced." I do not use any recreational drugs, so I'm not a constant pill popper. I will take 4 a day, 2 at breakfast, 2 at lunch for 3 months, then off for 6 weeks. I had good effects with the xenadrine, but I would always take half the recommended amount. I liked the surge of energy. I don't like mountain dew, or red bull, but I've used a bunch of different gnc products with relatively the same results. Also, taking the pills made me more conscious of what else I was doing, or not doing to feel better. My diet and exercise plan would always fail when I started to get sick - I'd go off my diet pills, eat worse and not get out of bed. It's always hard to get back on track.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 4:08 PM
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