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Money for Dieting

I am on a roll in terms of my diet. I have lost 16 pounds and have 18 more to go. I was wondering if anyone has some good ideas about how to make money off of this. Become a spokes-person for some diet aid? Be the poster-person for some challenge. I want cash! I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks!

Wed. Jan 24, 1:26am

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Sorry just be happy with your new found body and your increased health. That's all the reward you'll probably get, or should need.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 7:57 AM

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Well - you could write a book telling others how to do what you did. You could write to magazines and websites about your weight-loss success and if it's dramatic enough they might feature you in their ads (although I don't know how lucrative that would be). You could start a health-food store or a line of healthy food or beauty products. You could also become a motivational speaker or a weight-loss consultant (either for other programs such as Jenny Craig to name one, or start your own weight loss firm) . All kinds of things!

Personally to me, they all sound like a lot of work with rewards that are not in line with the effort required to be successful at it. However if you are really onto something and feel passionately about making it the economic focus in your life, then go for it!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 9:44 AM

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I agree with the first poster, so many people struggle to lose wieght cant you just be happy with your own success?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 2:23 PM

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