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PEERtrainer or PEERdebate?

Are you really looking for diet and exercise advice when you come to the pt community portion of PEERtrainer or some topic you find worthy to debate?

Wed. Jan 24, 1:27pm

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I would say both. for me anyway.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 1:27 PM

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I look for both. It keeps it exciting and changes it up a bit. I put this question out there because I was curious.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 1:30 PM

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I enjoy a healthy debate (pun intended ;-)) with a group of well-informed folks who are able to communicate their views while considering the views of others and recognizing their merits and disadvantages.

Arguments with people who are set in their views like bricks in mortar or who rely on knee-jerk, anecdotal evidence are usually an exercise in frustration and there is usually very little point in participating in these exchanges. Some threads definitely start out as a either a good debate or a pointless argument, but are capable of morphing into the other based on the participants.

I also enjoy the information that is available here. In particular I've come away with some great strategies and new products that have really helped me. The motivational threads (ie: what part of your body do you like best?) are quite effective for me.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 2:17 PM

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I appreciate that the community offers both. I have gotten some good advice and been amazed at the knowledge base of this community! I've also enjoyed the discussions about current affairs, politcal issues etc, until they've gotten nasty or predictable. These threads give me the opportunity to hear from people with different views than my own - I do not get that socially. Most of my friends and family are all of the same political ilk. The ones who are not - we just don't discuss these things so we can avoid an argument! So, I really enjoy reading the thoughtful posts where people honestly express themselves.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 9:55 PM

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