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trying on swimsuits....

a weird thing happened when i pulled out some old swimsuits to try on. i bought these cute bikinis for my honeymoon a few years ago and about 30 pounds ago. i wanted to try them on just to see how they fit before buying new ones for an upcoming trip. here's the weird thing. the tops and bottoms fit just as well as they did 30 pounds ago. so all that weight i gained went straight to my stomach. let me tell you how unflattering it is when that blubber hangs over some cute bikini bottoms. i didn't know whether to laugh or cry! i mean, i knew a lot of the weight gain went to my stomach, but that was just plain weird! now i don't know what sizes to get for my upcoming trip. i'm afraid bigger sizes would just sag in the butt and boobs without really covering up the belly. or a tankini might just ride up if i get one based on chest size. if i get one based on stomach size, it will sag down and flash the world. there is always the one-piece option, but it will probably do the same thing as the tankini.

Sun. Jan 28, 4:47am

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I feel your pain...I'm going on a vacation in February and although I've lost 35 pounds, I've got such a soft belly now. (approaching 40 and I shouldn't be surprised...) Anyhow, tankinis are not flattering on the stomach. They tend to roll up, or leave a space between the top and bottom that is unflattering to anyone without a flat tummy. On the other hand, a lot of suits are now mix and match, so you could get a larger top and smaller bottom. But still, I say go for the one piece. Good luck!

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 10:06 AM

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What about a one peice that draws the attention up like this one.

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 12:48 PM

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