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Procrastinating going to sleep

HELP! I've noticed that sometime I don't want to go to sleep and I use eating as a form of procrastination. For example, I was tired and it was 10:30 PM but I didn't want to go to bed yet so I stayed up until 11 PM, eating. Now this morning, I ask myself, Why in the world would I do something so insane? It's like I just don't quite want to go to bed and eating keeps me up so I do that. I was even reading a magazine while I was eating. I just wanted something crunchy. Now my stomach feels a little queezy this morning from all the extra food from last night. :(

Does anyone else do this?
Any suggestions on how to get me to stop?
Any tips on ways to motivate me to WANT to go to sleep rather than eat?

Sun. Jan 28, 12:11pm

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Chamomile tea? It's got almost no calories and is well-known for producing drowsiness.

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 4:33 PM

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i had the same problem. think back to your childhood. my parents made me go to bed even if i wasn't tired. when i got out on my own, i stayed up all night, i think a subconcious form of rebellion. one day i realized it would feel good to be well rested, and what was i missing - tv?? now i go to bed around 9 because it's my choice.

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 4:41 PM

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just think that when you're asleep you won't be hungry, and know that as soon as you wake up you can eat a good breakfast.

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 7:23 PM

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Oh yes.. I'm glad to hear someone else does this. Sometimes I eat when I'm half awake and then realize that I'm standing in front of the fridge eating and I"m mad at myself.

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 9:17 PM

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i've done that a lot-i've never liked to take naps because i feel like i'm missing out on something . .. which is weird because if i'm home alone, there's nothing to miss out on! sometimes i don't want to go to bed because i have something unpleasant the next day to do (like a doctor's appt, or going to a job i dislike)-staying up late makes the day "last" longer before the disliked thing. somehow i've stopped the mindless eating that went along with that (i count calories-so when i'm out of calories-i'm out, plain and simple!). maybe try reading in bed (you're in bed, but not going to sleep yet!), or giving someone a call, or taking a long bath. keep yourself busy! or go to sleep!

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 9:32 PM

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