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Healthy Cold Breakfast Cereal

I love to eat cereal for breakfast and think I do pretty good in general with my choices. I like steel cut oats but am wondering about a cold cereal where you just add milk. What are some good tasting and healthy choices? I'm not picky but it gets overwhelming standing in the cereal aisle at my store looking at all the options.

Mon. Oct 24, 12:24pm

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Kelloggs Tiger Power

It's marketed for kids, which is why I originally bought it for my daughter, but now we both eat it. I read about it in a parents' magazine that had an article about finding healthy foods that your kids will actually like. When I looked at the box I realized that it has a bigger portion size, more fiber AND less fat, sugar and calories than the rest of my "healthy" cereals. I am totally hooked on it!

Kate (kissmekate02 - clubs spotlight group)

Monday, October 24, 2005, 12:41 PM

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Smart Start Soy Protein - the serving size doesn't look like much in a bowl, but it actually fills me up, especially if I add some fruit! And it has tons of nutrients, protein, etc. And I love it, I think it's delicious!

I also love Kashi Go Lean Crunch, but it's too grainy for milk for me. I love it mixed with a cup of Dannon Carb Control vanilla yogurt instead (habit I picked up at French camp as a teenager - we'd always have granola, plain yogurt, and brown sugar, mixed together, for breakfast - that's too high-cal, but, this is my version of it, and I love it!)

Monday, October 24, 2005, 12:45 PM

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I like the smart start soy protein also. And love the Smart Start antioxidants. Sometimes I put it in my yogurt for a little crunch.

Monday, October 24, 2005, 1:40 PM

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Kashi Go Lean

I love Kashi's cereals. Kashi Go Lean has a lot of protein to keep you full and it's crunchy and filling. It's yummy too.

On a side note, have you ever noticed how much more expensive healthier cereals are than non-healthy ones? My boyfriend can buy at least 2 boxes of his sugar-in-a-box cereals! Why is that? Why is it so expensive to be fit and healthy?

Monday, October 24, 2005, 4:43 PM

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I agree about the Kelloggs Tiger power!! I love it!! I do weight watchers and I think it was only like 2 points with skim milk. Great choice!! Also, Honey Nut Cheerios is a good one.:)

Monday, October 24, 2005, 4:47 PM

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My fiance buys sugar-in-a-box cereals for cheaper too - and I looked at the calories, and it's actually lower-cal per cup than my Smart Start Soy Protein! But, one day I decided to eat his instead of mine, since it's "yummy" and lower cal. Seriously, I was STARVING by 9:30am! (I eat breakfast somewhere between 7:30am and 8am) Turns out, the "cheap" "sugar-in-a-box" cereal has no nutrients, no protein, no fiber, nothing to be filling and keep you going all morning! I'll definitely stick to my expensive cereal - you don't have to eat as much and you won't want to snack as much! So much better!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 8:26 AM

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Kashi Go Lean

actually, Kashi is pretty inexpensive, at least at Trader Joe's, its only about $2 a box (maybe 2.50)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 6:59 PM

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Nature's Path

I eat a very high fiber Nature's Path cereal called Optimum Slim, which I get at my local health food store. I've also had their Optimum Power, which is also pretty good. I really like my sugar, so I'm not pretending when I say these cereals are sweet enough that you don't need to add anything but skim milk.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 7:37 PM

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I try to stick to anything with higher fiber i.e. Raisin Bran, Mini-Wheats, or if I'm really in the mood- Fiber 1 (and that only has 60 cal/serving b/c it's sweetened with non-nutrative sweetener!) Plus, they're all really filling, and even more so if you add fruit.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 6:32 PM

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Smart Start w/ antioxidants is my favorite! : )

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 7:30 PM

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