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After a night out...

When I go out drinking it always leads to me starving or wanting to munch! Do you have any suggestions to be able to say no to that late night drunk appetite?

Tue. Feb 6, 2:13pm

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The obvious one is, don't drink as much! Intersperse your drinks with water, which will keep you full and hydrated, and less likely to eat a ton. And, when people want to go to a greasy restaurant, don't go with them. Or, plan ahead and make some food at home that's very easy to prep later on when everyone's hungry, and then invite people back to eat your healthier, and free, food, instead of the greasy bar/diner food.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 2:31 PM

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If you don't want to cut back on drinks (which sometimes I just don't!) and you must eat I make it a rule that I only eat at home. Have a few crackers with peanut butter (A FEW!), a LF flour tortilla or fruit. These things tend to help me "feel" full without eating too much. Even though it's not good for you to eat that late I understand that sometimes it just happens!
Good luck and have fun!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 3:12 PM

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Alcohol lowers inhibitions - sex, temper, and sadly appetite. The only solution is to stop at 2 drinks (and I mean beer or wine, not martinis or those massive fishbowl margaritas!). Seriously, if there was another solution to controlling the loss of inhibitions, there would be thousands of unhappy college boys out there.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 3:14 PM

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well, i don't buy inot the whole idea of "things happen". you are in control of what goes into your mouth. if you know you will be going out and may want to eat late at night, you should be able to prepare yourself by either taking along a non-perishable snack or seeking out a place near where you will be going and look over the menu selections before you get there.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 3:19 PM

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I have the same problem. I usually find myself coming home and making a pb&j sandwich after a night of drinking. The best solution I've found is to make sure I eat a good dinner before I go out, and when I come home just drink a big glass of water and go straight to bed! :)

Team: Stop Making Excuses

Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 5:50 PM

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So, the whole idea of just not drinking as much doesn't really sound like a solution to me. It sounds like a heap of bullshit to be quite frank. I for one, love to drink and do it often. I find that binging on something greasy and shitty for me at the end of nice, long night of hard drinking sounds like a dream come true. However, I've found that buying a pack of gum while trashed instead of eating pizza does work. Also, try leaving a healthier version of stuff you like to inhale while drunk readily available. The other night I had tomatoes and hummus instead of a Big Mac. Worked out pretty well. Those 100 calorie pre-pack snack are a great solution for this. Even if you eat 3 of those babies it's a hell of a lot better than a Bacon double double...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007, 2:18 AM

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maybe someone should introdue you to Bill W.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007, 9:58 AM

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To the 2:18am poster - a long night of hard drinking is also worse for you than a bacon double cheeseburger! (and I'm talking calorically, not morally or Bill W, or anything else!) And, calling the burgers/greasy food "bingeing," but not calling the "nice, long night of hard drinking" a binge is also, to quote you, "a heap of bullshit to be quite frank." And, again, I'm just talking calorically. It'd be easy to also say "binge drinking is bad" and mean drinking more than 4 drinks in one night, for a woman, or 5 for a man, but, you don't sound like you want that kind of advice.

We all see things like eating a huge piece of chocolate cake as enjoyable, but too unhealthy to continue to do it, at least on a regular basis. Why is it so hard for some of us to look at heavy drinking the same way? If I drank heavily the same amount of times per year as I eat a big piece of chocolate cake (maybe 2 or 3), I could eat all of the bacon double cheeseburgers I wanted while drunk, and it still would not hamper my weightloss much!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007, 10:16 AM

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