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hey what groups are you in and do they have any openings. I see how active you are on PT and think I could benefit from that

Wed. Mar 21, 3:38am

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My teams are both private, I would have to send you an invitation. What is your username, and are you willing to commit to being active, or to leaving the team if you lose interest?

Thanks for being interested,

Saturday, March 24, 2007, 4:51 AM

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not the Op poster but I have to say finding active teams or groups are not easy to find on here I have three groups that are active but I left two groups before I found them.. I post everyday and I wanted the same thing. the communication interaction and helping one another I think that makes the world of difference

Saturday, March 24, 2007, 1:16 PM

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my name is stand4me and I log everyday unless I dont have access to a comp which is on occassion Friday and Sat if I am out of town. If I feel that a group is no longer as active as I was hoping for I do leave to open the spot for someone else that could benifit from it more than I

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 1:24 AM

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To stand4me,
Is your log public? That might help you with your interaction. I have sent you an invitation to one of the teams, It should show up at the email address you gave to pt.

To 1:16 pm,
yes, it can be tricky to find the right mix. I also have left groups. In fact, the very first group I joined was not only inactive, but hostile when it did comment. and I just did not know any better for a while. I joined many groups where I felt there was 1 person I was there for, but it got a little wearing, being the focused one, or the backbone of the group, as someone labeled me. What I ended up doing was starting a private team of the wonderful people I had met here at pt. Not everyone that I invited decided to join, and not all that joined decided to stay, but it has worked out very well. It is now an extremely focused and tightknit group of people. I like to think that because of what we gain there, we are of more value as support to others, and we are able to reach out without getting worn out.

This is a good place, and I am happy to be here, even with the issues. I am glad for your sake that you have found 3 good fits, because it is harder than it sounds.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 9:37 AM

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hey maria and stand.. I am lucky enough to be in seperate groups with each of you. I too enjoy the active participation. I put My log public so I have more accountabilty that way.

I too have quit a few groups because of inactivity. I post and say hello and nothing than I post again and still nothing. so I dont see the sense in staying if I am only posting to Myself. I have tried but I dont want to be just sitting there in a team I want active motivation and I want to give the same back.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 10:14 AM

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hey lynn!!!!! Ya I just found our group as well and absolutely love it. I look forward to hearing from you guys everyday. I love our group

Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 4:08 AM

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so do I stand smiles

Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 2:09 PM

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