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PT - It is time to start deleting the Christian propoganda threads

I think Christians and Christianity is fine. Christian nations are among the most successful and tolerant on the planet. (A nice contrast to the Islamic world). But this repeated posting is representative of a member of our community who has made his or her point already, and now is no longer respecting our community.

Enough. When you manage to piss off the folks who are truly on your side, you have gone waaaay to far.

Sun. Apr 1, 10:21am

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I second the motion.

It's not like PT hasn't censored the Lounge before, and this would be a good time to exercise their discretion.

Sunday, April 1, 2007, 11:55 AM

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I'm not the extremist posting everything, but really, why the need to delete the threads? DON'T READ THEM!!!!! It's not like their not obvious in their titles... If people quit responding, the threads will die down on their own. If people quit picking a fight, then the poster won't be getting what he wants and will quit on his own.

I am a Christian, but even I don't waste my time responding to those threads. Don't look to PT to solve your irritation, solve it yourself and quit reading the threads.

Sunday, April 1, 2007, 1:31 PM

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1:31 Pm Ditto!

Sunday, April 1, 2007, 1:33 PM

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I love this community board. There are so many subjects and viewpoints on so many subjects. You can read and comment to your hearts content, what a privilege..the computers are amazing. Have fun, take in what taste good to you and leave the rest.

Monday, April 2, 2007, 7:19 PM

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The community threads have been a wonderful resource for me and I have learned a lot about weight loss on PT. However I agree with the OP. I'm tired of people (or 1 person) pushing their religious agenda, especially without saying it's going to be off topic. This is not a religious website. If someone really wants to ask a religious question of others, can they at least post the thread to include "OT"?

Monday, April 2, 2007, 7:33 PM

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I would appreciate it if everyone who has views that are different from mine would stop posting altogether. I also find that these four threads annoy me because they stand out like sore thumbs amoung the hundreds of other threads. I also am tired of reading or commenting on those threads (I can't seem to stop). I also am SURE that they were all placed by one horrendously disrespectful and inconsiderate (TO ME) person. So I implore you PT please delete any spiritual discussions because obviously no one is interested in exchanging information with such people, SO PLEASE delete and censor this and any other threads that are disagreeable TO ME (E-mail me to clear it ) so that this disrespect of free speech and tolerance will not continue. AMEN

Monday, April 2, 2007, 7:57 PM

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