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Question about Weight Watchers

For anyone who's currently on WW or recently has been on WW...
Can I join WW just for the regular meetings? I don't want to follow the point system, I know how to eat properly, I just need the dicipline of a regular meetings and weigh ins to keep me on track. Is that an option?

Mon. Apr 2, 4:06pm

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Yes, you can do that. They will encourage you to either follow the Points system or the CORE system, but they don't actually MAKE you do it. My mom is like you - she manages her weight with smart eating and exercise - but she likes the ideas and support she gets at meetings and the accountability of having to weigh in. She's been a lifetime member for over two years now (she only had to lose 5 lbs. to start with).

I have spent plenty of time on WW and didn't really follow either one (granted, I didn't lose, but I didn't really try by making smart eating choices and I didn't exercise at all). Now that I do track my points, I am doing much better. However, my leader realizes that the points of the CORE system aren't required for everyone who is on the program. Hopefully your leader would do the same.

Monday, April 2, 2007, 4:11 PM

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it would be cheeper to go to a T.O.P.s meeting

Monday, April 2, 2007, 7:40 PM

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What is T.O.P.?

Monday, April 2, 2007, 7:47 PM

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Taking Off Pounds Sensibly
or perhaps attend an OA meeting

Monday, April 2, 2007, 8:24 PM

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I am doing WW, and it is great. I really like the support. I lost about 17 lbs before I started WW, then I started to loose motivation. So I joined WW at work, it is helping me so far. I think the most motivation is that I have to weight in each Tuesday. I can still eat what I want as long as I watch my daily points.

Monday, April 2, 2007, 11:48 PM

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OA is great but you dont weigh in there

Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 1:45 AM

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If you just need the support I'd also suggest TOPS or OA because a lot of the WW meetings are actually way to focused on foods and how many points things has. Very rarely do they really get into the whole emotional thing regarding why we do the things we do. So going to a WW meeting might get boring for you. You can always try one for free though. Also there meetings really depend on who the leader is. They all have different approaches. Some are great and some not so good.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 2:48 AM

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