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I work out and diet, but I don't lose weight...

I was an infantryman in the US Army in the 82 Airborne Rangers Division in Ft Bragg, NC. Besides that I was fast track to be a UFC fighter. My body was in a shape you wouldn't imagine. Then after I got hurt in Afghanistan, I was given the chance to crosstrain to the US Air Force. I did and that's where I am now.

The Air Force is more linient with the fitness issue, simply because is not as needed as in the US Army. I had to give up fighting and exercising for a while because of the wounds I sustained, but I have been fine for a year and I got back in the gym full force 4 months ago.

I run 1 1/2 miles Mon throu Fri, I lift weights, and play softball, football, or anything that keeps me moving. I eat an extremely light diet, I take plenty of rest, and stress is no greater than the next man's

Why in the hell is it that I only lost 5 pounds and I have been stuck at my current weight for the past 2 months?

I used to think I knew it all about exercising but I guess I'm wrong

Help please, thank you

Wed. Apr 4, 8:57pm

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First off, glad to hear that you have fully recovered from your injuries and second, thank you for risking your life and fighting for our country.

About your training/diet question: Do you know how many calories a day you are taking in? When you say you eat a very "light" diet-how light? It is possible that you are not taking in enough calories and your body "fears" starvation so the weight will not come off.

If that isn't the case, and you are sure you are eating enough (but not too much!), perhaps you need to vary up your exercise routine a little. Our muscles really do get used to exercise very quickly and as they adapt and the exercise becomes easier we burn less calories during the same effort. It's unfair but true! Try interval training during your next run-add 30 second sprints and 2 minute recovery periods-you will force your body to work harder, you will "surprise" your muscles. if you have access to a gym, try intervals on a stationary bike or the stair stepping machine, or try out a few cardio classes. If you tweak just a few things in your regular routine, you will notice results in a few weeks on the scale usually.

Also, not knowing your stats (height, weight, body fat % etc), but considering your background-it is possible you don't need to lose any weight, maybe that is why your body is refusing to drop any more weight? Just some ideas.

Good luck-I hope this helps a little.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007, 11:09 PM

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A couple of points to look at...

- 1.5 miles of running probably takes you 10-15 minutes. Softball isn't aerobic, and although football and basketball definitely are, you don't mention how often you get to play. I think you need to add a lot more regular, consistent cardio to your routine.

- Since your routine seems more focused on weight lifting, you've probably put on muscle weight to balance out the fat lost.

- Not sure what "an extremely light diet" means to you, but if you're eating less than 1800 calories a day, you're probably undereating. Also, make sure you're getting enough fat (the equivalent of 2-3 Tbsp oil).

- With your UFC training, did you have to make weight from time to time? I wrestled in college (boy's team, but I'm a girl) and have since done various martial arts including Brazilian jiu jitsu, so I know you guys do crazy things to drop pounds before an official weigh-in. This could have messed up your metabolism.

- If the nature of your injuries involved damage to your organs or glands, your hormones/body chemistry might not have the same balance it used to, and that could be making it more difficult.

Thursday, April 5, 2007, 12:16 AM

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I appriciate your concerns for my injuries and your welcome for the thanks.

Youo both are probably right. I am probably undereating, but I fear if I eat more I'm gonna get heavier (in the wrong places). I have always been in extreme great shape. i used to run 7 miles, and I used to smoke too.

You are right also about the changes of weight before fights. I once had to add 25 pounds in 3 months before a fight. That meant little running, and a lot of fat calories. But it took me about 4 months to lose it. Now all I want to lose is 15 lbs, and it's been hell.

I eat about 1500 calories a day, I know, too little huh? I'll add some more calories to my diet, maybe in protein shakes, or slimfasts, that way I don't add on too many fat calories.

How's that?

Monday, April 9, 2007, 12:32 AM

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calories are calories- whether from fat or sugar or protien. You NEED fats. Essential fatty acids aren't called "optional fatty acids." ESSENTIAL. But, better your fat intake comes from things like avocados, fish, nuts, legumes, meat, etc., than from processed foods.

I work in a fitness store, and while the guys I work with are all in favour of protein shakes, there isn't a single one I've found that doesn't have 4 different kinds of sugar- and usually chemically processed corn sugar which isn't great for the body.

Eat more calories, and eat more whole food. If your cafeteria at the wing/hangar/base is anything like mine, I suggest staying away from it unless you're getting a salad. (Amazing how the armed forces promote health but have such a disgusting selection of fried foods in most cafeterias...)

Monday, April 9, 2007, 2:36 AM

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nutrition counts too

Make sure you're actually getting everything your body needs from what you eat. If you're eating the wrong things it will be much harder to lose weight - especially on a restricted calorie diet. Your body will think its starving. Also you'll feel sluggish.
Also weight isn't everything. You may be replacing fat with muscle as you exercise. Your clothes will be looser though & you'll look heaps better. Good luck & stick with it. Sometimes it just takes time.

Monday, April 9, 2007, 7:54 AM

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