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I am going on a first date with a very good friend of mine and I want this to be special. We are trying to avoid drinking but I want something awesome not just dinner and a movie
Thu. Apr 5, 3:51am
If you are really good friends already, then you know each other well. I say go with something that interests you both, but I can't possibly say what that is, as I do not know either of you. But you know. You also know your budget, and your environment, neither of which we are clued into.
Are you music lovers? Try a concert or a ballet. Are you athletic? Go horseback riding, or skating or paintballing, Do you fancy yourselves art critics? Visit that gallery around the corner that you have never made time to see. Are you both Kids at heart? Try a theme park, or go to a city park and create sidewalk art. Are you epicures? Go to the fanciest restaurant you can afford and order the most outlandish meals and try hard to sort out the flavours, both subtle and brazen.
Take a ballroom dance class, go hiking in a State or National Forest. Pick one of the Billions and Billions of museums in this country, one that features something you would like to learn about. Some of them are still free, or by donation
Volunteer at a zoo, nursing home, or homeless shelter. Walk you land and pick out where you want to build the barn.
Write a story together, first you write for 10 minutes, then your date, then you, then your date....
Dating a friend is easy, you already know what you like to do. You just have to decide to go do it.
have fun,
Thursday, April 5, 2007, 5:55 AM
those are some great ideas and plenty of them. I think you know who this is Maria. I am going to stand and deliver ;) Sorry if you have been overloaded on the topic
Thursday, April 5, 2007, 7:26 AM
Hey Stand and Deliver!
Are you the OP? If so, have a super time!
Thursday, April 5, 2007, 9:14 AM
how about making dinner & dessert together? shopping together is a great way to break any ice that may be lingering over the surface of your date, and once broken, it should all flow smoothly! it's also a great way to work together as a team for the benefit of both of you...something to think about if you anticipate more than one date. you can do a scavenger hunt, too!
Thursday, April 5, 2007, 9:23 AM
I agree with 3:51 am. Do something you both loe. If it is church find some church thing If you both love the enviorment go to some lecteur about it. If you like hiking go for it! This reminds me of my Honeymoon plans. We went to Ireland. My husbands friends kept riding him we should go some place romantic like some carribian iisland or hawaii. We both always wated to go to Ireland it was a wonderful romantic 2 weeks. I can't imagine a better place.You know friendship is the foundation of manny long romantic happily married couples marriage. Have fun!
Thursday, April 5, 2007, 10:30 AM
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