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Anyone interested in a Flylady team?

It seems like many of us here could benefit from implementing flylady's routines for taking control of the chaos in our lives. I would LOVE to put together a flylady team for any of those interested - anyone interested in that idea? - explains what flylady is about.

I noticed there was a few people interested in starting flylady from the "I hate housework" to thread below...

Going to work - I'll check this thread later tonight to see if there's interest. If there's enough interest while I'm gone - please someone feel free to start the team and post the link!



Fri. Apr 6, 8:05am

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I've been to the flylady website and am a little confused as to how/where to start with everything. So I definitely would benefit in a team.


Friday, April 6, 2007, 11:15 AM

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all the emails that I get bombarded with is so confussiing

Friday, April 6, 2007, 12:11 PM

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I started a team...

for flylady and anyone interested in implementing her techniques. I agree with Corina - her website and emails are somewhat confusing and many people could benefit from a PT team.

The e-mails are great but there are too many - you should filter them into their own folder and read them selectively - don't have them going to your regular inbox or you will be overwhelmed and confused.

I also HIGHLY recommend buying the book Sink Reflections. It breaks flylady down into much more manageable steps than what is in her website.

If other people join the team I will try to post some community threads with links to the website that follow the outline of the book so that it's more understandable.

Hope to see you there! Here's the link to the team:


Friday, April 6, 2007, 2:10 PM

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bumping this

we still need more people on the team if anyone's interested

Saturday, April 7, 2007, 8:21 PM

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the only problem that I have is that she states over and over to declutter but thats all that happens to my email. I didnt get to it this weekend and returned to 158 new!!!!! I love her ideas but warn those who do not know that it definately goes overboard on emails. I also feel that she makes claims that since I have failed my way over and over that her way is the answer and that I am hopeless without this website

Monday, April 9, 2007, 4:12 AM

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I keep saying it...

Get her book instead of subscribing to her e-mails

Sink Reflections

Monday, April 9, 2007, 6:59 AM

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We have 8 now - we could still use more!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007, 5:43 PM

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