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Nervous habits..

Okay, this may seem weird...

Just wondering.. does anyone else here "peel" the skin on their fingers--I seem to do this a lot-- (the skin gets cracked and dry during the winter, when I tend to peel the dead skin away.)....
I don't bite my fingernails, but i tend to find myself peeling or nibbling at the skin (not eating it but "cleaning up" the ragged edges of the skin).

My skin gets very calloused and cracked and that's when I "peel" the dead skin away...

Trying to break myself of this habit, but I'm wondering if anyone else finds themselves doing this?

Thu. Apr 12, 11:02am

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I do this. I pull off the dead skin on the sides of my nails.
It happens most during the winter when my skin's dry as the desert. I keep moisturizer on hand at my desk at all times and put that on when I catch myself doing this.
I try to keep hydrated too by drinking a lot of water but there's only so much that can do!
I've tried to break this habit but most of the time I don't realize I'm even doing it. I guess we'll just have to wait for summer and more humid weather!

Thursday, April 12, 2007, 12:01 PM

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I don't really do this, but, I ALWAYS have a nervous habit! It generally takes me awhile to notice what it is, and after that, I can get it under control and stop doing it, but, then a new one always pops up!

For awhile, it was constant swallowing, which led to constant burping! That one was the worst!!!

Right now I'm on idly scratching my head... I haven't bothered to stop, because I think it's probably a better one than most. I just can't do it if I'm wearing black, or I look all dandruffy!!

Anyway, my point is, you're not alone in having nervous habits!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007, 2:39 PM

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I do this and it drives my husband up a wall. Everytime he sees me do it he makes me feel like an idiot too. He sees me and says "oh no, what are we going to do"? in a mocking voice. I wish he would realize that it means I'm nervous or upset and say, oh, hon, What's wrong? It will be ok.

Thursday, April 12, 2007, 2:42 PM

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I do this! If anyone knows some good strategies on how to stop, let us know!

Thursday, April 12, 2007, 3:30 PM

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I bite My hang nails in the corner on My fingers the skin there

Thursday, April 12, 2007, 5:34 PM

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I do this too! Theres a few things that help, i havent found away to totally stop it.

1. carry a pair of cuticle nippers in your purse/manbag so u can trim it instead of peeling it down so far or trying to bite it off.

2. at night put a good amount of cuticle oil on them, rub it in real good. Also lotion your hands every night before bed. If you can tolerate gloves, you can get white cotton moisturizer gloves at the beauty supply store (clean white socks work too). put on a LOT of lotion put on the gloves and go to sleep or watch tv. I wear em to bed and they end off coming off, which is how i came up with the tv/movie idea).

When I was a hair colorist my hands would crack and peel all the time really bad from being in the water and cheemicals all the time. I would put vaseline on them with the socks overnight, it always helped when they were super dry in the winter.

Good luck!

3. i get manicures every 2-3 weeks (depending on cash) i find having them pushed back and trimmed helps stop the hang nails.

good luck!

Friday, April 13, 2007, 4:16 PM

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