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dating.... uhhhgggg

so i met a new guy 2 weeks ago and he wanted to do something m,t,w,th,and friday..we had a great time .. he brought me lunch one day to work..went to a movie, a comedy clud and just had great conversations. THEN....this week not much at all. he didnt initiate much of the contact and i saked him 2 times to get together but he "had too much going on" im so not good at dating and always project way to much into things and usually just get pissed and walk....what do you all think?

Sat. Apr 14, 11:19am

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Too much too quickly. When a guy likes you, he'll want to see you every day. Resist the temptation and move more slowly.

Saturday, April 14, 2007, 4:25 PM

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there is no reason to get pissed .. but I think he is not that into you now and you should move on

Saturday, April 14, 2007, 9:16 PM

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You gotta kiss alot of frogs before you kiss the prince. Don't worry about it1 Let it go there is somebody better out there!

Sunday, April 15, 2007, 12:15 AM

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I say give it a few days and ask him one more time to make a date. If he turns you down, then maybe you should move on,.but, if you like him ask him why he "is too busy". Maybe he got a new project at work? Maybe he is also seeing someone else? Two very different reasons to be busy, you know!

Sunday, April 15, 2007, 4:21 PM

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try not to be too high maintenance or don't let guys think ur high maintenance --- even though they initiate at the beginning; but they're men and don't like that. take it slow; take it easy; if it meant to be it'll flow.

Sunday, April 15, 2007, 6:10 PM

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Dating is tough. Love and romance are tough! You must be a fun person (sounds like it from all the stuff you did)
Be happy you are single and meeting lots of really interesting people! When the right person comes, he won't ignore you....

Sunday, April 15, 2007, 8:35 PM

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That's a lot of seeing eachother in just the 1st week. Maybe he got a little off by it? Personally I'd get standoffish if a guy asked me out a full week in a row after a first date. There's also the possibility that he really is just busy this week.

I would just wait and see if he called again next week. If he does, cool, go have fun, but don't hang out every night of the week. If he doesn't call. Oh well, at least you had a fun week of hanging out together so nothing lost, and just move on.

Sunday, April 15, 2007, 10:45 PM

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i backed off a bit and he did call a few times but still didnt get togather. he has a big house project that he should be done with on thursday so im committing to NOT calling him till friday and see if he intiates some calls. thanks for the advice. it all helps

Monday, April 16, 2007, 10:00 AM

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