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The Mean Page 3

I felt like letting this out...

My manager is such an idiot.. He would always come up to me and give me someone else's work. NEVER able to take stands and always trying to keep everyone happy..
I wish he would be more ssertive and stand up for me

Such a child

Fri. Nov 11, 3:55am

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I have one from yesterday:

I wish people would PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR JOBS and not make STUPID MISTAKES!!! I am a middle school teacher and I'm in charge of the yearbook and I am on deadline to get the 8th grade class picture done - this is a class of over 300 kids so we needed the professional photographer to come out and get on the roof, etc. etc. Anyway, I called early this week to schedule it for yesterday, we got everything settled, no problem. They were going to show up after lunch (my prep period) to set up, about an hour before we had the picture scheduled.

So yesterday I'm waiting for them and waiting for them and finally when they were 20 minutes late I called the company and the secretary looked in the schedule and said, "No, we don't have you scheduled for today, we have you scheduled for NEXT Thursday." I almost had a heart attack - do you KNOW how hard it is to coordinate something like this with over 300 students, not to mention all the teachers and class schedules it's affecting??? Plus doing it next week would make me miss my deadline and that is $$$$$$$.

Anyway, I freaked out and managed to get them to come out yesterday an hour later than planned, but I had to call every single teacher to tell them of the change in schedule and I had to get someone else to go out and help them set up because I had a class when they finally got here...ugh, my blood pressure was through the roof.

Thank God we're off school today for the holiday!

Friday, November 11, 2005, 10:03 AM

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My sister

I have one of the cattiest sisters in the world.. she is soooooooooo difficult to live with .. neve does a thing around the house.. critcises everyone openly for their shortcomings.. and cant take even a single bit of criticism on herself..
I simply HATE her at times.. I wish I could strangle her to keep her mouth shut

Tuesday, November 15, 2005, 10:20 PM

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My mom drives me nuts. She has no idea to the extent how critical and self centered she is. It's as if I'm the mom, taking care of her. I wish she would just grow up LOL.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 6:24 AM

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I have a friend who has a pseudo-self deprecating sense of humor. But instead of telling "funny" stories where she puts herself down, her stories all involve somebody else putting her down. And when the stories involve a "funny" put down that I've given her, it turns out that she has just misinterpreted what I said and I end up looking like a villain.

Sunday, November 20, 2005, 10:03 AM

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Dad take the heat

My two teens can be mean. As I work they are making rude comments about my beer belly or flabby arms. Sometimes I get frustrated at their lack of support and at other times I let it slide.

Sunday, November 20, 2005, 10:19 AM

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re: Dad takes the heat

I am so sorry your kids talk to you that way. Teenagers can be really cruel.

Sunday, November 20, 2005, 10:36 AM

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To the 1st poster. If this bothers you so much why don't you take a stand to him. You are doing exactly what you are complaining he does to you. Tell him you already have your know work and its not fair to you to have to do someone else's. He will respect you for it, don't just let him do that to you. He does it because he knows you will just accept what he gives you but if its not your job you don't have to accept it.

I had a boss that I couldn't stand(personality wise) for years but he was a fair man and I worked for him for 8 years. He once told me to never allow anyone, even a boss to walk over me, to stand up for myself, people will respect that far more then shrinking away, he was right and 20 years later I still listen to his advice. No one deserves to be walked all over. You just allow it, don't be scared, speak up and stand your ground, you might be surprised at the new respect you get in return.

Sunday, November 20, 2005, 11:31 AM

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Re: Dad takes the heat

Sometimes kids do that to motivate you, because they may feel uncomfortable approaching the issue in a serious way. But maybe they would exercise with you? I've seen kids really come around when they can get involved, and a family approach to health is best.
Good luck, and keep yourself inspired!

Monday, November 21, 2005, 8:22 AM

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Re: Dad takes the heat

That sounds like good sage advice about getting them included. Thanks.
Dad who takes the heat

Monday, November 21, 2005, 12:59 PM

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work is lame

Gawd! I got news last week at my review that I have done such a freakin wonderful job that there won't be any more work for me and I should start looking for a new job. Talk about a way to kill your motivation at work!

I have been on two interviews so far, keep your fingers crossed for me peerpeople.

Monday, November 21, 2005, 3:14 PM

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