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My husband's will power drives me nuts!

Last week when I was at the store I bought two carmel apples, one for me and one for my husband. They are only 180 calories, and most of that is from the apple, so it was a small treat for me. Of course I ate mine the same day. My husband likes carmel apples, but he didn't eat his. I kept reminding him to eat it. It sat for over a week untouched (but tormenting me the whole time) until it finally reached its expiration date. Arrrrg! I am totally jealous of him. He can totally take or leave sweets, no big deal to him, meanwhile every day I wanted to eat his apple. Lesson learned, do not buy sweets for husband! On the positive note, at least I did not eat both!

Mon. Nov 14, 11:53am

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Congrats on resisting the urge to eat it (I know I would have!). Some people just do not crave sugar at all. I don't understand these people, but on the other hand I rarely eat salty snacks like potato chips or fries or crackers. I can (and do) let boxes of crackers get stale because I only eat a few when I first buy them and they sit for weeks without a second thought. Most people I know only have a real weakness for either salty or sweet, (or none at all, but those people suck) so maybe you can focus on eating healthier sweet treats and resisting the salty things.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 12:39 PM

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I hear you. My husband decides to run a few days, give up ice cream and he loses 15 pounds. He doesn't even try. Makes me want to take up weights because I am certain it is his muscle mass.

Monday, November 14, 2005, 1:00 PM

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Great, now the ads by Google on the right hand side are for carmel apples! LOL!

Monday, November 14, 2005, 1:03 PM

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To the original poster you definetly have something to be proud of by not giving into your temptation! For the poster who thinks its her husbands musle mass it is a very good possibility! Muscle mass burns fat and calories very quicky rather than less mucle.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005, 8:09 PM

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