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Article about weight loss in the NY Times
Did anyone read the article in the NY Times? I thought it was really interesting. It basically said that it is really really hard for obese people to lose weight - bc being at a healthy weight is like starvation. It also said that our natural propensity for our weight is largely determined by genetics. I thought it was interesting... so I thought I would share it :0)
Tue. May 8, 10:02am
I did see this and I liken it to the commercial that starts out by saying "are you heavy? It's not your fault" It's your stress which keeps cortisol around your waist. People are looking to read things that validate a lack of discipline and this article uses some fancy references to do that.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 10:05 AM
this article seems ridiculous to me. the second page is valid, where they talk about metabolism and how great its affects can be, but i have real problems with the study explained on the first page of the article. i mean, they put overweight individuals on a 600 calorie liquid diet! that's not enough calories to be healthy for anyone. and then they act surprised that their bodies showed signs of starvation! duh... they are starving because they're only consuming 600 calories per day! and then the researchers are shocked that they quickly regain the weight! it is a known fact that for sustainable weight loss, slow and steady is the best and most healthy method. crash diets don't work. though it is definitely very difficult to lose weight, it is even more impossible if you do it in this way instead of the way reccommended by health professionals.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 10:55 AM
Duh, the article summarizes the history of scientific inquiry into weight loss. That study was done in 1959, when it wasn't such a "known fact."
I do kind of wonder about the time frames on any of the experiments, however. For maybe 8 years I weighed 150 as my adult weight, and would have thought that was my natural set point. However, I now am down under 120 and don't feel starved at all -- and don't really have trouble maintaining at that weight, either. It took me close to a year and a half to lose the 30 pounds, though.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 9:08 PM
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