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working mom tips for losing weight?

I have 2 children and I find it incredibly hard to find time to workout. I work long hours and I feel like the few hours I have to spend with my children are not going to be spent away from them at the gym. Any suggestions?

Wed. May 9, 10:49am

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i'm a working mom w/ a 1.5 hr RT commute, so i can relate!! i work out an hour a day, appx 6 days a week, on my way home from work. at first i was wracked with guilt - then i realized i was kinda blaming my kids for "not being able to go to the gym" & using them as an excuse. after making this realization, i decided to see what would happen if i did take more time away from them. my experience is the additional hour away didn't really change their disposition: cranky and tired. (bittersweet LOL) MY disposition was noticibly better though - feeling happy (endorphins) and accomplished! that is my experience. BUT -- i also know of women who are able to exercise at home/with their children. for example: get a treadmill or rebounder or gazelle and get your cardio in while the kids are playing with their toys/reading/watching tv in the same room. or, get some DVDs and get up and hour early and get your exercise in while they're sleeping. also, you can take the kids to the park and ride bikes together, or if they're still young get a trailer for the back of the bike for you. perhaps take a mommy & me swimming class or yoga class. then there's the old standby: take a walk together after dinner. if they're not babies in a carriage, how about pulling them in a wagon? those are just a few suggestions. whatever you decide to do, i wish you the best of luck. you totally deserve to exercise!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007, 11:22 AM

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What about using half your lunch bread for eating and half for walking?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007, 4:12 PM

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4:12 here.. hehe, i meant "break" not "bread"...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007, 4:13 PM

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I'm a single working mom and I do that a lot - walk on my lunch break. Or I'll get up early (5 a.m.) to get some early morning workouts in with a video or dumbbells. Where there's a will there's a way!

Thursday, May 10, 2007, 10:09 PM

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I get up and work out before anyone wakes up. It sometimes means getting up at 4:00 am, but thats the sacrafice I'm willing to make in order to get into shape.

Friday, May 11, 2007, 8:31 AM

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I got an elliptical for my home. I can't do a gym the 15 min it takes me to drive there and back is often all the time I have to workout. I used my elliptical for 45 min after the kids are in bed while watching my favorite TV shows. I also got a DVR so I record any show I want and watch it as I want to.

Friday, May 11, 2007, 8:44 AM

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