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I would like to find out ways that others have dealt with conflict that they have felt with losing weight.

A few years ago I started walking on a regular basis and began to lose weight. When people (especially men) would mention my weight loss I would minimize it and try to avoid the subject altogether. I think that the attention was part of the reason that i stopped walking and put most of the weight back on.

So now I am beginning a new weight loss program with an awareness of the past "issue" and I'm hoping that my awreness will keep me from making the same mistake twice. One of the reasons I want to lose weight is because I would like to get back out there and start dating again, but let's face it not all attention is good attention.

Has anyone dealt with this successfully?

Wed. Nov 16, 2:35pm

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Have you fully dealt with the reason why you would not want the positive attention yet? Do you have low self esteem? Did you not think you were worth receiving positive attention? This is very puzzling because most people want others to notice their weight loss and see that as very encouraging. I'd recommend getting a healthy image of yourself before dating so that you find an emotionally healthy partner.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 3:29 PM

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I'd venture to say that the dislike of attention could be about boundaries, feeling insecure/judged, internalizing comments (i.e. does he only like me b/c i've lost weight, what did he think of me before if he's only saying I look great now), or also a fear of being vulnerable. Having extra fat on is a great way to protect ourselves from other people. It acts like a buffer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 3:52 PM

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I didn't view the comments as positive attention, it felt intrusive. I think I have good self esteem. I'm a private person and I just prefer not to be seen in a sexual way by people I'm not interested in. I realize that I have no control over that, but that's how I feel.

I recently had some errands to do in downtown I was able to go about my business unaccosted. That is a big change from downtown trips I had when I weighed less and was bothered a lot. I admit the extra weight has made my life easier in that regard and I will miss being able to walk to streets without being bothered.

Thursday, November 17, 2005, 11:29 AM

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