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Exercise ideas for non-athletic?

I have never been athletic and don't participate in any sports. I used to bowl but I doubt that burns any calories lol. What are some exercise ideas for non athletes like myself?

Tue. May 15, 10:18am

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The easiest one is to walk. Walk with someone, chatting, for 40 minutes, and you've walked around 2 miles. Not a bad workout. Or, walk or ride a bike next time you need to run to the store for something small (depending on where you live; even in most suburbs, you're probably no more than a few miles from the store.)

Do you enjoy dancing? Jazzercise is a good one that's basically full of non-athletes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 10:24 AM

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I LOVE my treadmill, I never thought I would-I also do some aerobics-moves I recall from videos and basic dance steps-MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC has saved me, not sure what I would do without my nano! Hope this helps!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 10:46 AM

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The last poster had some good suggestions. Let me take a different tack for a moment, though. I can say that I'm not athletic or into sports, which is probably partly because my coordination and balance are not very good. Despite that, I learned many years ago that I somewhat enjoy some physical activities. Nowadays I mostly do weights and machines at the gym, plus some walking, and some floor exercises at home, but I've also enjoyed running (though I'm slow) and biking (which I became fairly good at eventually - a mixed blessing you might say - discovering that you're being "drafted" is both cool and scary). And I like hiking when I get the chance.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can be non-sports-oriented and still exercise, and probably even find some activities involving exercise, that you feel ok about or even enjoy. Don't be distracted by other people's love of sports that you don't share. You don't have to be like them - there are other options.

A different issue is if you're very sensitive or embarrassed about not being good at (whatever activity, or everything). That can be dealt with too and you might find the relative anonymity of PT helpful for that. I'm in a couple of groups that are exercise oriented (no openings at the moment, if you were wondering, but that could change) and I certainly don't think of it as for advanced or even average members only.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 10:59 AM

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strength training. i.e. lift weights. builds muscle, burns cals, and makes you feel great!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 11:44 AM

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Water aerobics! It's cardio and strength training in one, no one can see what's going on under the water, gentle to your joints, no sweaty feeling, if you fall over, you don't get hurt! LOL Can you tell I'm a klutz?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 12:23 PM

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