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HELP!!!!! needing to lose weight for myself and future MARRIGE PROPOSAL in 87 days

32 pounds in 87 days! 24 year old male, working full time in office and college full time. Seems as if i have no energy and no time for anything let alone working out or walk/running. Looking for some good tips for energy to keep me going through out the day seeing as i have cut out all SODAS. Caffine has always been my crutch.
Also looking for some workout routines or schedules to help.
Also looking for ideas on how to stay active at work in a chair behind my desk. (Little things to keep me burning calories etc.)


Wed. May 16, 11:45am

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Congrats on getting ready to propose! Maybe try to get up every 46/60 minutes and take a walk around the office, or use your lunch hour to take a walk outside. Also, men's magazines/websites like Men's Health probably have routines, as well as books that can help.

Good luck!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 11:58 AM

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Okay not to be negative but that is a very lofty goal. 87 days is only just over 12 weeks. A good weight loss goal is 1-2lbs per week.

With that said if you only can lose 15-20lbs before you proposed that's still 15-20lbs less than you are now, and you should easily hit your goal before the big day.

Cutting out soda will help, and I know many here will argue but diet soda is also a good alternative when you need a caffeine fix. Try to drink more water.

Switch to whole grain breads, pasta and rice so you stay full longer when you eat carbs.

Watch portion sizes and try to count calories cause it really helps you see portion sizes and how quickly calories add up.

Go on nightly walks now that the weather is nice, or wake up a bit early and do it... just make yourself do it.

It also wouldn't be bad to get some free weights and work with those to help build muscle to help increase your metabolism.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 1:04 PM

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My biggest suggestion, if you don't already do this, is to pack your lunch (and dinner if you're not home for it.) Even the "healthy" options that you can grab quickly on the go tend to have lots of extra calories.

Pack a number of smaller items - i.e. a sandwich cut in half, a cup of yogurt, a piece of string cheese, an apple, carrot sticks, etc., so you can eat a little bit at a lot of different times. This'll keep your metabolism up, and it'll also keep you from getting so hungry that you end up buying junk.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 1:13 PM

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Congrats- First don't let 20lbs get in the way of getting engaged. Second- I think its awesome that you want to better yourself for this occasion. If you can get 3 days of cardio and 2 days of push-ups and sit-ups mixed with a healthy diet you'll be in good shape. Weight loss will depend on how many calories you consume vs burn (How Hard You Work). No one ever has time. You need to make time. I used to get up at 6:00 to get to work by 6:45 or 7:00. Now I get up at 4:30 or 5:00 so I can work out before work and I feel great for it. Sure it was tough (and still is) getting up early but its that or be a fatty. I'll keep getting up. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 4:28 PM

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It doesn't sound true but when you exercise you get more energy. If you are lacking energy, by becoming active it will increase the power or force that you have to make it through the day. Trust me, try it

Thursday, May 17, 2007, 5:49 AM

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need lose weight 87 days

dear sincere person! After 87 days life will go on with weight and other challenges still around. I suggest you look at longer term goals as well, so that pressure does not work against you in all of your good intentions.
Consider stretching once each hour, gently, run in place or do a few stairs for cardio when possible, then remember water is your friend, along with grapes, celery and all veggies and fresh fruits, fish, brown rice. It is a clean diet with loads of energy and feel good minerals and enzymes. Trail mix, good juices, green tea, all will help with the energy loss from caffeine, but the benefits are there too. You cab also check out isometrics, flexing muscles in various parts of body, great for desk bound office workers, during the work hours.

Good luck. Hope it works out. Be good to you. You are worth it!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007, 6:49 AM

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Good luck! I was looking for something fairly quick to do to increase my exercise and several people on here are doing it as well... but Cool Running (.com) has a "Couch-to-5K" workout plan that lasts for about 9 weeks. Will it get you 32 pounds, probably not alone (depending on how much weight you have to lose overall) but it will give you more activity, a goal to work towards (which is important to me), and a plan to follow... just a suggestion. Each workout lasts about 20-30 minutes. It would fit really well in your timeframe and it's only 3 days a week.... just a thought.

Good luck!

Thursday, May 17, 2007, 8:32 AM

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Best of luck! And one suggestion, for what it's worth ... every time I've ever given myself a weight loss deadline, I've GAINED weight. That isn't at all to say you will, but I've realized that even with a deadline as a goal, what I need to focus on, after doing the calculations for what I would need to do -- and what is healthily possible to do -- to lose X in Y amount of time, is to take it day by day and say, "this is what I need to do today." Baby steps. I usually find that once I get started, just the fact that I'm in the zone of taking better care of myself makes me feel better about myself, and I can sort of forget the ultimate goal and stick to the day by day actions much better. Again, best of luck.

Saturday, May 19, 2007, 11:35 PM

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