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Ideas for home exercise equipment?
I'm curious what products you all use, how effective they are, and what you use them for. I'm also interested in finding ways to get them very cheap.
Sat. May 19, 11:15am
Big physioball - great for core exercises and "doubles" as a sort of weight lifting bench for chest presses, overhead triceps, etc. ($15-20)
Dumbbells - pyramid of 3, 5 and 8 lb weights; cheaper if you buy them as a collection than in individual sets, and it comes with a little rack.
5-10 assorted workout DVDs, $5-15 each. Or if you get FitTV channel on cable, you can record a collection of those workouts.
Step - can also be a weight lifting bench, but it's good for random bouts of mindless cardio in front of the TV ($30-50)
Heart rate monitor - lets me know if I'm doing enough for it to be a real workout, since it's so easy to be half-assed about home workouts ($50-$120)
Saturday, May 19, 2007, 11:24 AM
I calculated what it would cost to join a gym, and then used that money to budget my home gym purchases. I rarely went to the gym, but I have no excuses if the equipment is in my house. I have a rowing machine (water rower) that I love. Really gets the heart rate up very quickly, and I can't believe how much more muscle I have built up in just a couple of weeks in my legs and back. And it is LOW IMPACT. I bought it at full retail price (over $1000), but since learned that people found them for half that on craig's list and other web sites. Plus you can get other kinds of rowers for less money. I like the waterrower because it is quiet and the swish of the water is very natural sounding.
Saturday, May 19, 2007, 12:17 PM
Me, too. I figured out that if I got equipment at home, after a year, I would still have it vs. going to a gym where after a year I have to renew (cost was about the same-- 1year for hubby & me = a really nice treadmill.
I have a Nordictrac C2200 Treadmill that I bought at Sears (on sale). It ramps up to 12 % and 10mph. Awesome thing. folds away about 1 foot by 3-1/2 feet or so. You can use "i-fit" with it and it comes with a bunch of programs plus some you can program yourself. I also bought (separately) a heart monitor and the chip was incredibly easy to install.
I have an inexpensive eliptical that I bought years ago-- but it works well. as well as a mini trampoline, exercise balls and free weights.
My best investment? A pair of GOOD running shoes--running shoes offer more support than walking shoes-- which is good ifyou do a lot of running or walking... I went to the athletic shoe store and had them fit me properly.
Walking is actually an incredibly easy and CHEAP way to get on the move... My shoes cost about $85-100 when on sale. Well worth it-- you are suppposed to replace the shoes after about 300-500 miles of walking/running...
Saturday, May 19, 2007, 12:30 PM
What I use - all pretty cheap, and I didn't get them all at once.
Stability ball - was @ $15 - I use daily
Mini tramp - $40 (inexpensive one) - I use at least every other day
Dumbbells $35 for 3,5 and 8 pound set - usually every other day
Resistance tubes $8, 9 and 10 for light, med and heavy - usually every other day
Ankle weights $10 - just got them to add to my lower body routine
The things below are nice, but not necessary (nothing really is - you can walk and exercise with your own body weight.)
Walking poles $ unknown (gift) - I use every other day
Heart rate monitor watch - $30 cheap one
Once upon a time I bought some actual exercise equipment (pricey stuff) but I wound up getting rid of all of it - it didn't work that well, or I didn't use it, it took up too much space. Most people I know who seem to stay with equipment have a large, quality treadmill and enough space to leave it out.
Saturday, May 19, 2007, 3:08 PM
thank you all, this was very helpful.
Sunday, May 20, 2007, 11:54 AM
You can often find exercise equipment, very slightly used (more often, used as someone's laundry drying rack, etc., b/c they don't use it) for sale on, especially if you live in/near a big city. You'll generally have to move it yourself though, so if you don't have a truck, you may not be able to buy a treadmill there. But, dumbbells, a Gazelle, some other smaller equipment, etc., can definitely be found for a steal!
Sunday, May 20, 2007, 3:16 PM
at-home fitness equipment
Yes, the bodyball is excellent and necessary (core work, sit ups, push ups, presses, squats). Also, a couple of body bars. I have a 12 lbs. and 20 lbs. The 12 is good for light shoulder work and gentle standing rows, while the 20 lbs. is good for presses (while laying on the body ball) and deadlifts.
Sunday, May 20, 2007, 3:30 PM
at-home fitness
Mistake on the link on the body bars. Sorry. Here's the correct link.
Sunday, May 20, 2007, 3:38 PM
The bodyball is also good to sit on while watching TV! Surprisingly works out the abs without thinking then. :-)
Sunday, May 20, 2007, 7:32 PM
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