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Please read...please laugh

This is my personal writing meant for entertainment and self motivating purposes only. Please do not be offended and remember to laugh. I sat down and began writing this...I enjoy writing and would like to retire as an author someday. It is not complete yet, but I will continue to write more and post more if you guys like it. I have lost about 17 pounds over the last year or so and am still on the path to a healthy lifestyle and more weight loss. These are things that make me smile when I need to.

When it comes to fitness and exercise I feel like Ive looked so much stuff up and read so many books that I could be the expert. I cant say that I have ever had a serious weight issue.My reasons for wanting to lose weight have never been health related.However, I have felt uncomfortable, which is a feeling we all share no matter how much weight we want to lose. After trying different attempts, and failing at all of them-I finally had enough. Dont get me wrong, Im not doubting that if you stick to one of those many diets to choose from, It will work, but I never stuck.

Im a big fan of trying new things, but there is a limit. I browse through weight loss books focused on cutting out one thing and reducing another and all I see is cardboard on a plate...with no salt. No wonder these diets dont work! If you dont like something, youre not going to eat it! It wont matter how many points it has or how many trans fat or antioxidants it contains. I will always eat mint chocolate chip ice cream. I will not sit myself down with a half gallon, but I will eat it. As far as Im concerned-cutting too much of anything out of your regular diet only comes back to haunt you later. Then we crave-enter half gallon of ice cream-then we eat-we eat it all. I dont cook a lot and I wont until I have a family and need to. I eat what I like, I eat smart. Some of my friends rant and rave about point counting programs...that means you can have 4 donuts all day and be within your point range...HELLO? What about your health?? This program is not for everyone. Others say what a great idea measuring programs are...yeah...the day I have to measure my vegetables is the day I will win the lottery. If one of those programs works for you, then great, if not-keep reading. Counting calories or not,common sense says make good choices. If you really want to lose the weight, then start eating like it. I cant keep that ice cream in the house, fear of eating it all day-so I go out for ice cream instead, and sometimes even walk the 2 miles to the ice cream shop. You know without any expert telling you what you can and cant resist-so remember that when you are at the grocery store or passing by fast food restaurants. Dont get the doritos and oreos just because they are on sale-not a smart choice. Dont keep your weakness at your fingertips-whatever your weakness is. You get the point. You know what is "good" for you and what is "bad" for big secret or high priced plan to that!

This might sound crazy-but get your rear end off the couch or recliner or desk chair and move! I dont care if starting off you need to park in the furthest spot away from whatever store youre going into...just move! I have a desk at work- I rarely use it. I am constantly looking for ways to get out of my chair. If you have a job that requires you to be by a phone or tied down to a computer, that should be all the more reason to want to move more when you are out of the office! Wake up early for something more than making McDonalds breakfast hours. Wake up early to take a walk or do some streching and exercising. Not only does exercise reduce stress,get you away from busy life,relax your mind, clear your thoughts, but apparently it is good if youre trying to lose weight. Set your alarm 5 minutes earlier each day or week...amazingly this will soon become a half hour for morning workout. Think about why you are up late at night-still thinking? then go to bed. If youre tired all day that will lead to making crappy food choices, stopping at happy hour on your way home, or taking that long nap when you get home. Actually do those silly things you hear all the time-take the stairs,walk a message to a co-worker instead of emailling,make your long distance phone calls while taking a long walk around the neighborhood. You may feel foolish atfirst, but if your goal is just to start somewhere then do these silly things! Once those silly things become natural, then increase your exercising. Simple enough? Yes-it sounds like it-but based on your lifestyle, it may not be-so start slow and be patient. Do not expect to lose 10 pounds overnight because you took the stairs at work that day-be reasonable,and once again, be patient. For starters, your legs might hurt, your kness will ache,but keep pain,no gain.

Yep-skinny,medium,heavy,and overweight...we all have them. Fixes for blah days include eating mood boosting foods, sipping a cup of tea, walking, yoga,listening to certain music, and of course, exercising. First of all, lets just accept that we are normal. Most likely, you dont need to run to the doctor for anti-depressant...blah days exist. This doesnt mean that locking yourself in the house or pulling up to your regular stool at the local bar will help. Mood boosting stuff is one thing I agree with. Eventhough I am not certain that blueberries make you happy, or a grilled chicken wrap(no mayo) will make you less anxious,a cup of hot tea sure does do the trick some days. other days a hot bubble bath screams my name. Writing it down seems to help too. Once again-you know what relaxes you-if its junk food-its not really relaxing you. If its alcohol-thats not really working either. Of course, I am mostly speaking about an abundance of either of those items. One drink at the local bar or an ice cream cone may help occassionally, just dont make it a habit. There are probably 100 other things to be doing on a blah day other than stuffing your face. Truth is-youll feel a lot better if you stay away from the junk and alcohol on blah days. Blah days are something that make me work harder now. Mental says "EAT CHOCOLATE" body says "PLEASE SAVE ME". Most times I listen to my body, but if you asked me a year ago I couldnt answer that-I was too busy at happy hour ordering half-priced appetizers. When I moved into my current residence, my biggest surprise was a bar in walking I walk by it in the morning and smile...I dont think they would remember my name anymore.

*To be continued...let me know what you think and if it helped at all*

Sun. May 20, 10:42am

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great post. nothing to laugh at at all. very motivating. thank you for sharing!

Sunday, May 20, 2007, 1:43 PM

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