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Over commited and feeling miserable.

It's all my own fault, but I've completely overcommitted my time to freelance projects. At this point, I don't see having any free time until july. I swear, every moment I'm not at work is commited to working on these freaking websites. I agreed to do it to help a friend start his business, but it's dragged on longer than expected, and it's sucking the life out of me. By this time last year, I was riding 150+ miles a week and running 12. This year, I barely have the time to ride to work and I haven't run in a month.

The thing that sucks is that I can't just tell my friend that I'm done and I don't want to work on this stuff any more- I made a commitment, I need to see it through. But the money no longer seems worth the trouble, and every beautiful weekend day mocks me as I sit inside, hunched over my computer. Sigh.

Not looking for any advice, just had to vent.

Mon. May 21, 11:12am

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I have felt this way in the past. The only thing that helped me through was knowing that the end was in sight. It sounds like July is the month when you will have some free time. That's only 5 weeks away and you will still have two months of summer.

You might also consider taking one day a week off to do the things you enjoy, even if it means extending your commitment by a couple of weeks.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:29 PM

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I made my wife promise to remind me just how much I hate doing freelance work next time I get the idea that it'll be a fun way to earn some extra cash... If that doesn't work, she has been instructed to slam my mouse hand in a door.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 6:19 PM

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I know it sucks. Sometimes being a friend can be trying. I hope tomorrow looks brighter.

I know you didn' t ask for advice, but this has helped me soooo much.

Try marking the days off the calendar until the date you have decided this project will end. Each week schedule something that is pleasurable, even if it is simply sleeping in.

I've been there so many times I finally wised up to my mistakes. Now my response to a request for my time is, "Let me check my calendar and then I'll get back to you." This allows me time to figure how much of a time commitment I will be making and if it is feasible. Being honest in the beginning is better than being miserable and resentful in the end. Good friends will appreciate your honesty.

Monday, May 21, 2007, 6:45 PM

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