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Fiber = GAS

I need DR. OZ! I have really increased my fiber, as well as started to drink Crystal-Lite TO-GO drink packets. The packets have sorbitol. I am having 28-45 grams of fiber per day for the last two weeks. RDA is 48 grams. Where is it coming from? Sometimes it hurts & sometimes...well...stinky! HELP!

Sat. May 26, 12:22am

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Are you eating a lot of protien too? a lot or protien causes the stinky stuff! Fober usually causes you to have a lot of not so smelly gas.
I usually get it about 11 am every day, after I eat a couple pieces of fruit.

Saturday, May 26, 2007, 1:22 AM

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Increasing your fiber fast can cause bloating and gas. Sorbitol can definitely cause gas in people. Are you taking fiber supplements? If so try cutting back on it and eating more whole grains. I think a lot of people have no clue as to how much fiber they really eat. On average I eat about 50 grams a day.

Saturday, May 26, 2007, 3:00 AM

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Thank you 5/26 1:22 & 3:00

You are night owls too! Thank you for getting back to me so quick. I'm not taking fiver supplements. I don't think I need them. I'm doing Weight Watchers. I do keep a journal of my points as well as my fiber. I try to get my hands on an nut info. I usually have 28-45 that I can track. Thank you, again. Have a fun & safe Memorial Day Weekend. Stay away from the DIP! - SLS

Saturday, May 26, 2007, 10:27 PM

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If you go from eating the average 10-12g fiber a day to 30g a day practically overnight, it's going to hurt - and embarrass. You need to add it gradually, like by about 5g a week until you're at 25-30g a day (I've been given this number as optimal for a 1600-cal diet). Consider easing back and taking it slowly.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 12:03 PM

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Wed 12:03

Thanks for the tip. My finace & I are killing ourselves...& each other! LOL.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 9:32 PM

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