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Good Canadian online pharmacy?

so many of them look half-baked. anyone tried any and had them work out ok?

Tue. Nov 22, 11:02am

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well....since I am just getting ready to graduate pharmacy school, I'll put my 2 cents in on this one....don't do it.
Really, there can be major problems with this one. First of all, if you send them your prescription written by your doctor in the US, the Canadian operation must 1st find a doctor willing to rewrite a prescription for a patient he has never seen and written by a doctor he has never met (Candian pharmacy can't fill an Rx written my a US doctor). Then, your prescription will get filled based on this new Canadian prescription. 1st problem - each time information gets passed through another pair of hands like that there is an increased chance of error. So lets say, you are the unlucky one to get a medication that was filled incorrectly from Canada, and it makes you so sick that you must go to the hospital. You now have a $10,000 medical bill. If that prescription had been filled in the US, no problem. The pharmacy is generally liable for the damages that they have caused you they would end up paying for it. But from the prescription filed in Canada, they have no duty to liablilty. No one to sue. You were doing something illegal.
2nd problem - there have been many reports of medications that have gotten sent to the patient without proper labeling, instruction, or even just wrapped in foil instead of a childproof package. Medication may also be exposed to extreme temperature which may damage the medication making it less potent, as seen commonly with insulin that should be refrigerated but has been sent by mail without anykind of insulated packaging.
3rd - what if you have a question about your medication? Who are you going to talk to? You can't exactly go to Canada to ask a question about a side effect or directions. There is a reason that it is recommended that patients go to one pharmacy and get all of their medications filled. It is so that the pharmacist can check each new medication to ensure that there are no drug interactions that could result in serious problems.
Additionally, I think it is really important to talk to your pharmacist about all of your new medications. They are a wealth of information that is as readily accessible as the nearest drugstore.
If prescription cost is the problem, talk to your pharmacist or get online looking for patient drug assistence programs. If you qualify, you could get your medications for free from the manufacturer in some cases! sorry about that lengthy lecture. I just hope you choose not to put your healthcare in the hands of medical professionals in another country.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 2:29 PM

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Monday, April 23, 2012, 6:13 PM

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