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Looking for my fellow Chocolate (Snickers) Addict ;-)

Sue, I'm out for a couple of days and you disappear! I'm sorry you left because of you know who, but I feel like we had something to offer each other. I really wish you would rejoin the group, not all of us are obsessed with all details on the log. I understand, I have my up and down days and I've had quite a few downs lately.

I wish I had know how frustrated you had become w/the comments, I had your back, I was just out sick.

Let me know......JOZIGRRL

Wed. Nov 23, 7:24am

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Hi Jozigirl, Sorry to leave that way but I just didn't want to get in to it and I thought Bill was a downer. I wasn't even sure if my comments stayed after I left but I guess they did. Sorry to do that to the rest of you, really, his comments just hit me all wrong and I sort of stormed out of the room. I would read his comments and just feel bad and I decided this was not positive, this was not what I needed. Thanks for understanding. The chocolate thing is a daily stuggle. I ususally can't make it through the day without having at least a little. Hope you are doing well! I don't really want to come back to the group right now but that is so kind of you to encourage me to do so.

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 4:33 AM

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Snickers again

Hi again, if there's a way I can support you, like meeting here, let me know. Best wishes! Sue

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 4:34 AM

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why dont you guys start a group of your own.

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 8:50 PM

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It's fine, I just wanted to be sure you were okay. I understand sometimes it's like that, my hubbie can brush off any comment, but I on the other hand start thinking of ways (legal and illegal) to rid myself of some people. ;-)

I'm doing okay, I too am having my ups and downs lately, and everytime I have a Caramel Nip, I think of you. We all have our coping mechanisms, and will eventually wean ourselves from them, but I think a couple of minis are better than 5 full sized any day. Some days I can't get through w/o it....I just realized....I forgot to put my nip on my log...whew, guess I better amend my logs...

Anywho, I really wanted to be sure you were doing okay and let you know I was thinking of you. Whenever you feel like jumping back in your former group or starting a new one, please keep me in mind.

Take care Sue!!

Monday, November 28, 2005, 11:40 AM

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