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home for the holidays!

SO I'm home for thanksgiving and everyone is commenting on my weight loss( which makes me feel great), but then it makes me feel like I can eat anything I want to and theres plenty to eat. My diet has already gone out the window....any tips on how to get back on track? I would shrug it off if I were leaving soon but I'm gonna be here for about a month because my father is having surgery and my mother needs help around the house....people keep bringing baked do I avoid complete regression??

Thu. Nov 24, 12:36am

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That's tough anytime let alone around the holidays. I recommend you get to the store and buy your favorite healthy items and keep them on hand at all times. Then you have an option and not an excuse to overindulge. Good luck to you!

Thursday, November 24, 2005, 8:27 AM

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Oh boy, yummy baked goods brought by well-meaning people. That's a tough one. Why do people think "food" when they want to comfort someone?

You have the best motivation there is, doll -- everyone is commenting on how great you look! How fabulous! Keep in mind all the hard work you did to get that way, and how you want to stay that way. That said, one day is not going to screw up your diet forever. I've decided to make the healthiest choices I can today and get back on track with a vengence tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2005, 11:14 AM

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Since everyone agrees you look fabulous there is nothing wrong with telling them that it is hard for you to have this temptation around and maybe they can not bring anymore yummy stuff to the house. Just let them know that you love all the things they brought, that way they know their baked goods are yummy but you worked so hard and are really trying to eat healthier and you hate thinking of gaining any weight back so with thier stuff around its just too tempting for you. Maybe you can make a few healthy sweet alternatives for them to try instead.

Thursday, November 24, 2005, 1:06 PM

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