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How do I keep a food diary?

I know that keeping a food diary can really help, but I don't think I'm doing this right - I'll eat something unhealthy and not want to write it down, and then it all goes awry. Or I'll eat something, think "I'll remember to write this down" and then I forget. Do I just keep a notebook & pen with me at all times? Write food down before or after I eat it? Track calories, portion sizes? Make a food plan and write down what I actually ate next to the plan? What do you do? Thanks!

Sun. Nov 27, 1:56pm

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I keep my log here, on PEERtrainer?

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 3:51 PM

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Software for Keeping a Food Diary

For nearly 4 years I have been using a software called "DietBalancer" to record what I eat. DietBalancer is actually a database with a large number of foods and their nutritional content already entered. The database of foods appears to pretty closely match the USDA database. You can also add foods as you wish.

I start each day with a mealplan that I have stored, then modify the mealplan as needed. A record of what I have eaten on any particular day is then stored in DietBalancer. This gives me a very good overall picture of what I am eating over a period of time, and where I may need to make adjustments in my diet.

The link below will take you to, the company that sells DietBalancer. The cost is nominally $40.00 + shipping. I'm not sure, but I think you may be able to download a trial copy of the software before buying it.

There are other similar softwares that do about the same thing.



Sunday, November 27, 2005, 5:19 PM

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I purchase a 10 week food diary that helps me track each day of the week for calories, exercise, fat, carbs & Protein. You then tally up the average calories per day in the weekly total page. It also help you keep track of weight and inches lost. I prefer a hard copy journal vs software b/c I can keep this with me at all times. As soon as I eat anything, I write it down. Even if you don't have time to figure out the calories right away, write down the estimated quanity and description so you can look it up later. You are only cheating yourself by not writing down the unhealthy food. The journal is for yourself, and nobody else. It's OK to eat unhealthy once in a while, but you may be surprised how often that happens once you document it.

Below is the website where you can buy this food diary. I find that when I honestly use this diary, I stay on track and lose weight. I have not been successful without it.


Sunday, November 27, 2005, 6:35 PM

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