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How can I get myself motivated?
I think I am hepless. I have over 100lbs. I always have an excuse. What could Ido?
Fri. Jun 8, 10:11pm
Sometimes you just have to hit rock bottom. I mean, really, ROCK BOTTOM, so you can get a wake up call to action.
My suggestion is, since most of us who are overweight or obese avoid potentially embarassing situations because of our appearance, go to the doctor. Get a full medical checkup with blood work. See what your cholesterol and triglycerides look like, and how your liver is functioning. Tell your doc you are concerned about your health and want to lose weight. He/she will certianly go into your risk factors and that could "scare you straight." Ultimately it has to come from you.
Look in the mirror naked. Buy a full-length mirror if you don't already have one. Really look at yourself in store windows as you walk by. Do you recognize yourself?
Take a pic of yourself from the waist down and keep it somewhere private but where you will see it every day. You will probably find that the person you see and the person you feel like you are inside are at odds with each other. Get those 2 people to be the same- healthy and vibrant.
Good luck
Friday, June 8, 2007, 10:26 PM
First of all, you are not helpless. Start small. 15 minutes of walking. Leave 3-4 bites of food on your plate at each meal. You could lose a pound a week this way.
Friday, June 8, 2007, 10:27 PM
I know it finally hit me when I realized everywhere I went that had to do with my kids school or sons sports, I was always the fattest mom. I HATE that. Plus, I turned off the tv one day and saw myself in the screen, I wante dto die. I looked so swollen and fat I was in shock. I was smaller growing up, curvy but not huge, so I never really thought of myself as huge, but that reflection did it for me. Now I just have to stick to it. I started small, I walk every morning for 2 miles and even took Sunday off without feeling too gulty. Try that, make a schedule, but dont feel too guilty when you miss something, thats usually when I fall off because I feel so guily that I figure it is a lost cause and why should I continue a lost cause.
Friday, June 8, 2007, 11:16 PM
Weigh yourself. Eat smaller portions for a week but don't starve yourself! This is a lifestyle change. Weigh yourself a week later and I'm sure this will give you motivation. Since you have a lot to lose, I'm sure you'll lose several pounds within one week. Good luck.
Friday, June 8, 2007, 11:37 PM
Saturday, June 9, 2007, 2:09 AM
SHORT term goals. Stick to healthy behavior (or SOME healthy changes) for just one week. Remember that everything gets easier as you get fitter and stronger.
Remember we all are here for you and we do care what happens to you.
For one week decide you will alter things and then see how you weigh in, how you look and feel.
Saturday, June 9, 2007, 7:09 AM
one small step to take immediately is to stop drinking regular sodas (switch to diet) and switch to skim dairy products.
Saturday, June 9, 2007, 7:30 AM
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