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Gave blood today...question

I gave blood today and she mentioned no strenuous (sp?) exercise or lifting today.

Okay...would my exercise bike or pilates be okay?

Wed. Jun 13, 12:07pm

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bike would be fine, i would stay away from pilates as you do not want to re-open the wound. keep in mind you may feel dizzy and not have much energy because of the lower blood level. drink fluids...gatorade is a great one to help out.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 12:41 PM

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I wouldn't do any of them - your heartrate and blood pressure will be off today, so you could get uncomfortably dizzy. You should be fine tomorrow for moderate exercise, and you'll be totally up to speed in a few days (the body will replace the missing pint in 5 or 6 days).

- a regular donor

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 1:20 PM

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i'm wondering why you didn't ask the attendant at the donor center which exercises would be okay? did you receive a pamphlet? usually the pamphlets/leaflets outline pretty thoroughly the things you are "allowed" to do. if not, i would call and ask the place where you donated. they know your size and were there when you donated, so they'll know how you reacted and how long you took to leave after donating. be sure to drink plenty of water (in other words, A LOT of water), and eat. congats on the donation! i'm a big advocate of donating blood (one donation can save 3 lives! that's 3 people who can stay alive, 3 families whose loved one(s) are able to live!) truly amazing!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 2:25 PM

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Listen to how you feel. I've donated and been totally fine, and other times I've donated and almost passed out or threw up. If you've felt fine the whole day, and you've eaten well, try taking a short walk. Feel okay? Maybe try a short, easy bike ride. Still feel okay? Maybe keep going a little longer.

It's okay to take a day off though; you did a good thing, and your body is working hard to replace the blood that you lost.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 4:11 PM

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If you exercise, get dizzy and fall and and bash your head, you can give blood twice in one day!
I vote for taking the day off. You did a good thing for society, eat a cookie and relax.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 4:28 PM

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