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Just an idea. Does anyone do this?

I always have to log on to Calorieking or another calorie-counting website to check how many caliries everything I eat has. So I decided to get one of those little phone books that people used before Cell Phones and write down the foods I most commonly eat in it, as well as ok foods to eat at any restaurants. What do you all think about this?

ANybody have other good ideas they can share?

Wed. Jul 4, 9:44pm

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Calorie counting.

I have been counting calories for about a month and a half now and I have alot of foods memorized! The foods I keep in the house and the foods that I eat on a regular basis are easy to memorize, especially once I take note of them all on PT in my daily log. The others I use the PT calorie wiki (its horrible at first but you figure out how to use it) or another website that has a more orderly way of organizing things. Counting calories is a great way to track your food intake and it has helped me see results!

Hope this helps and remember, if you can't find the nutritional information on a product, dont eat it! This is usually a sign that its really bad for you.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007, 11:06 PM

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I agree. Monitoring you intake is the best method of weight control. If you think (in calories) you need somewhere between 1600 - 2400 depending on your body type, sex and activity level - then monitor what you put in - this should be a good start to removing those kg's of lb's.
Remember approximately every 7700 calories burnt is a kg less weight on your body. But then again - every 7700 cal above what you need is a kg gained. It is all a balance.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007, 11:14 PM

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I have had different readings tell me how many calories I should consume to maintian my weight. One ( ascale that sends some kind of waves through your feet) tells me 2100, the other (online calculator) tells me 1650. That's a big difference! What's a better way of telling?

Thursday, July 05, 2007, 8:03 AM

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A better way of telling is to eat and weigh yourself. I tried eating 1700 calories because my best friend lost a ton of weight just lowering to 1500 to 1700 but my weight didn't budge. Now I eat 1200 it is the lowest I should go but I see results. If I wanted to maintain I would probably go back up to 1500 or 1700 depending. Just be patient and "test" your metabolism.

Thursday, July 05, 2007, 1:52 PM

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8:03 - is the 1600 calorie reading possible the calories you need to maintain your weight without exercise? I have used a formula and the first part figures what I need just to be alive - that's a number like 1600; and then I calculate based upon my activity level, which bumps it up to about 2100 a day.

I would go with an online calculator that factors in height, weight, age, and activity level before a scale. I have a Tanita scale that gives me those numbers, but I haven't used them for weight loss...but I'll check it out the next time I weigh myself and check to see how close it is to my calculations!

Monday, July 09, 2007, 5:46 PM

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At first I kept my calorie book and a spiral bound notebook in my bag so I could look up and/or log food as I ate it. It really kept me in check and there was no guessing while I was at a restaurant (only to be shocked later!) Now, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of calories for foods that I eat often, but I still get caught off guard every once in a while when I eat something that I'm in the dark about calorie-wise.

Monday, July 09, 2007, 5:48 PM

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