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Restaurants in Seattle area that have nutritional info

I recently discovered that the Rock Bottom in Bellevue has a light section to their menu that lists nutritional info, which even includes steak. I think Applebee’s also has a section for Weight Watchers but they include the calories, fat, etc. It’s been a while since I’ve been there, so I’m not sure if they still have it.

Does anyone know of any other restaurants in the Seattle area that have nutritional info?

Sun. Dec 11, 10:16pm

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A lot of restaurants have web sites where you can find the nutritional info. I know The Outback does. And yes Applebees still has a WW menu. Chilis also has some items on the light menu and gives you cals and fat.

Monday, December 12, 2005, 2:28 AM

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Do you hav the chain Ruby Tuesday's in Seattle? I know they have a section where the nutritional info is listed. It's like a Friday's or Applebee's.

Monday, December 12, 2005, 10:45 AM

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I can tell you that Hooters doesn't. I usually google nutritional facts for whatever restraunt I end up going to.

I'm starting to dislike "Work Lunches" since most of the restraunts they go to don't list their facts.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 1:19 AM

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You're always safe with a salad that doesn't have anything "fried" (croutons are fried too!) or much nuts/avocados/bacon/egg/cheese/etc (a little is okay, just not a ton), with a light dressing ON THE SIDE and just dip a little. Pretty much every restaurant has light dressing now, and can leave things off of a salad if you don't want them. Tell the waiter to leave the stuff off, don't just figure you'll pick around the bacon and croutons and just eat the lettuce - the temptation will likely get to you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005, 10:23 AM

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