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exercising at night

hi. i work second shift and am usually wide awake when i get home at 11. is it ok to work out at night when i get home or is it that much better to do it in the morning? i usually dont get out of bed until late so it isnt easy to exercise during the day. thanks for your imput.

Tue. Jul 31, 10:52pm

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If you have the energy when you get home GO FOR IT some exercise is better then none, besides if you try it and it doesnt work out then you do something else. I work shift work and have no energy when Im done so I make myself get up early and do it before work, the up side is I have more energy througout the day either way try to fit it in especially if your trying to lose weight. Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 11:06 PM

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Definitely - It's been so hot lately that I can't run outside until 9:00 pm when it cools down, and it works fine. They say the "optimum" time is in the morning, but I am NOT a morning person, so I fit in in whenever I can. Any exercise is better than none!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 11:16 PM

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actually, some studies have shown that working out in the evening is better for those who suffer from exercise induced asthma. So it depends on who you are what time is "optimum." I usually head to the gym around 10pm. I'm sooooooo not a morning person.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 12:05 AM

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I think exercise is great at night, especially if you are a semi- insomniac. It tires you out. I usually exercise when I get home from work and I have no trouble sleeping!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 9:16 AM

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I exercise in the evening as well. I find I have FAR more energy on my nightly runs than I do my Saturday morning run! I prefer it but I guess every person is different. Just find what works best for you.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 12:16 PM

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I get my second wind around 10 or 11pm, and the last excuse I'm going to use to avoid exercise is "it's not optimal". What does that really mean anyway - that I only burn 500 calories and hour instead of 520? Besides, whether it's a good hard run or a yoga tape, it's easier to fall asleep and stay that way. That's my definition of optimal!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 12:38 PM

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Morning is not necessarily optimal. The studys show that it does not matter when we exercise, just that we do. Most people suggest a.m. workouts because it knocks it out of the way for the day. Sometimes saving your work out for the p.m. can get bumped out of the schedule if something else comes up.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 1:34 PM

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Morning is not necessarily optimal. The studys show that it does not matter when we exercise, just that we do. Most people suggest a.m. workouts because it knocks it out of the way for the day. Sometimes saving your work out for the p.m. can get bumped out of the schedule if something else comes up.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 1:34 PM

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working out in the evening

I agree that working out any time is better than not working out at all. Actually, in the past, i lost more weight and maintained that loss longer when i did what felt good for me. I am not a morning person. when i wake in the morning i want to sit and think for a moment. I cant stand the thought of jumping, rushing, running to do any thing

Friday, August 17, 2007, 4:21 AM

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