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Headaches from exercise

About 2-3 hours after I return from the gym, I get a headache and I can't figure out why. This is starting to interfere with my ability to work, but I don't want to give up my new gym routine.

In case it's important: I eat cereal for breakfast, go to the gym for 2-3 hours (cardio machines, fitness classes, sometimes a personal training session), walk home, eat medium-to-high protein lunch (like a sandwich and soup), shower...and then I'm all sleepy, which turns into a headache. I am extremely well-hydrated - 24oz before working out, 32oz during/immediately after working out, 24oz with lunch. I've been doing this every day for a week now, and every day I get the same headache. Any advice?


Wed. Dec 14, 5:50pm

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I used to get headaches like that too. It could be that you need sodium. What I do after (and during) a long workout is drink Gatorade. That seems to help.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 6:14 PM

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What does your doctor say about this?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 6:42 PM

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I haven't been able to find a doctor whose opinion I trust. I feel like all they do is try to get me to make more appointments for no reason except to generate more income for them and prescribe crap I don't need. Also, it's only been a week. I'd expect him to say "don't work out so much, and why don't I give you a nice little scrip for Xenical, make an appointment in 2 weeks".

I also consume a fair amount of sodium (too much, according to my mother) and occasionally remember to gulp down a multi-mineral supplement, so I doubt that's it. Fair amount = 250mg at breakfast, nearly 1000mg a lunch.

Katie, OP

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 7:17 PM

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I'm not an MD, but...

A few things:
-The sodium and electrolyte content is important for when you are working out. Generally, for any workouts longer than 60 mins., you'll need to take in a sports drink, like Gatorade.

-Are you stretching well? Especially upper body: neck and back. Tight muscles can give you a tension headache.

-BREATHE. Make sure you're aware of your breathing when you're working out. You may not be taking in enough oxygen. Sometimes you have to psych your body into breathing more slowly while you work out (as opposed to getting breathless at the usual point). Also, you can try doing some "body checks" while you're exercising (especially cardio): are you shrugging your shoulders? Are you upright and not slouching?

I hope this helps!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 7:31 PM

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This is interesting. Do a test, stop going to the gym for 2 or 3 days and see if you get any headaches but still get some workouts in maybe at home. If you don't get any headaches start the gym routine again. If the headaches start again I would start looking at the gym. It may have nothing to do with your exercising but maybe something in the gym's vent system, maybe some kind of mold or if its a new gym, paint maybe? You are in the gym for a long time I just have this nagging idea that it is something in the gym that's causing this. Or if not maybe try eating a banana and some nuts an hour before you start your workout. Keep us posted.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 8:34 PM

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Based on the sleepiness after lunch, I think that your blood sugar is dropping during your workouts. That's a long workout to sustain on only cereal (which could ..depending on the cereal you eat .. have a high sugar count). My suggestion would be to take a snack with you to the gym and eat it 1 - 1.5 hours into the workout.

If that doesn't work, there is the possibility that you're working yourself into fatigue. Try cutting back on your workout, or at least splitting it into two sessions (rather than one marathon one)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 10:35 PM

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Could be dehydration headaches. Make sure you drink a glass before you start exercising (not too much, tho) and then a little while after you finish. Aim for having light yellow to clear urine throughout the day. If you pinch the skin (maybe I should say fold it, don't cause pain) on the back of your hand and then let go, the little fold should disappear right away and not stay visible if you are well hydrated.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 10:37 PM

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oh yeah, i posted the try a snack during your workout post...make the snack one that has some protein in it.

Thursday, December 15, 2005, 12:12 AM

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Sophie -- I think you just about got it right. I've been fine the last few days and I think it's because the temp outside went from 17 degrees up to a balmy 35 here in NYC. I suspect it was from hunching my shoulders against the cold for my mile walk to and from the gym. I also suck at breathing, but that usually means I start yawning a lot mid-workout :-/

To the person who thought it might be something wrong with the actual gym -- I use 4 branches of the same gym, and it happened at all but one (the one I don't walk to).

To the "split it into 2 sessions" comment -- I tried that, but it meant 2 showers a day and my skin can't take that without cracking. Darn celtic skin.

Thanks so much to everyone for giving me ideas to work from. I now know that on very cold days, I should take the subway to the gym to avoid these stupid headaches :)

Monday, December 19, 2005, 5:28 PM

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Hi There!

Last summer I took a running class. Something I learned there really helped in my training walks for the Breast Cancer 3-Day...

1) BEFORE you start working out, drink some of the electrolyte drinks to get your body started....

2) WHILE working out, make sure you are re-hydrating with electrolyte drinks (such as gatorade, powerade, etc.). NOT just water. Your body will be sweating out electrolytes with the water. If you don't replace the electrolytes, it is possible to cause an inbalance.... Also, you will notice that if you drink lots of water, but not electrolytes, you'll have some swelling in hands and feet as well..

3) AFTER you are done working out (within the 1st 30 minutes), eat a High Carbohydrate/Calorie Fitness Snack-- An Energy bar and some Gatorade is good. Sounds crazy, but after burning your caloric reserves, you need to fuel up to keep the fires going, since your body will continue to burn calories after you stop working out. An added benefit is that the next day you will not feel as much fatigue. Apparently many runners and marathoners do this just after big races.

4) Continue to rehydrate with electrolyte drinks AFTER the workout as well, you will find that you will feel much better....

I was amazed at the difference once I stopped drinking water with only salty carbohydrate snacks during my training walks and changing to electrolyte drinks with the snacks... It's also important to remember that when the weather is colder or hotter, you generally have to consume MORE calories to keep your body temperature regulated as well!

In the case of the headaches and cold weather-- make sure your head is well-covered after you leave the gym-- your body loses a lot of heat through your head!

Hope this helps... :-)


Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 11:57 AM

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