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fitness / exercise question

i get very red-faced and hot -faced very early on when using the elliptical trainer. sometime i feel like my face is going to pop. is this okay to just work through, or is there a possibility of something else going on ? no other exercise machine has this effect so quickly, but i think i give a lot more effort to my work out with this type of machine. thanks!

Fri. Aug 3, 12:41pm

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I've always turned red with exercise-no matter what my weight, fitness level or the type of exercise I do. I'm fair skinned and also have rosacea-the stuff goes hand in hand! Your redness may be nothing but it could also be a sign you are over exerting yourself-do you wear a heart rate monitor? Wearing one helps me from getting too overheated and keeps the redness under control. It also could be a sign of a more serious problem-like a heart condition . If this is something new that you have never experienced, or you are getting headaches or have other discomfort with the redness, I suggest bringing it up with a doctor. I would take your workout down a notch or two till you know for sure! Especially with the heat this summer!

Friday, August 03, 2007, 12:50 PM

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Does your eliptical have a heart rate monitor on it? If so, you should check and see if you aren't sending your Heart-rate through the roof. If you are, slow down and take it easier- once you get above 80% of max (I could be off on this %), you're really wasting your effort.

Otherwise, you know how they always say "check with yor doctor before begining any exercise program?" You might want to do that. You may have unregulated high blood pressure or something else that's causeing you to get beet red.

Friday, August 03, 2007, 12:53 PM

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thanks for the helpful suggestions. i actually did visit my doctor for a scheduled physical before starting exercising regularly. i can do aerobics and the treadmill and weight-training machines without getting red-faced for a while. but on the elliptical, it gets me very red in 10 minutes. i guess i need to get a heart rate monitor. thanks!

by the way, did anyone notice that i tagged the title of this thread with the category it most appropriately fit into?

Friday, August 03, 2007, 12:58 PM

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