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how to bring food to work with no fridge!!

I usually bring lunch to work because I'm trying to save money and it's easier to eat healthier when I can pack food myself. Unfortuantely there is no fridge or microwave where I work which severely limits my food choices (can't have anything frozen or that will spoil). The thing is I"m getting tired of bringing PB&J's to work because those don't spoil or taste bad if not heated. I want to experiment with things like carrots and hummus but I don't know what to use as a small container for hummus (I'm afraid if I bring the whole hummus container that you get at the grocery store, it'll all go bad) and whether or not it'll spoil.
Any suggestions or help??

Mon. Aug 20, 10:59am

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how many times is this same topic going to be posted? this is like the exact same opening for a thread from 2 months ago, which was just like one started 3 months before that!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007, 11:03 AM

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So maybe the OP wasn't here 2 months ago? I am so tired of people jumping on others for having a similar question tto something, somewhere in the history of PT. Chill out, 11:03.

I pack an insulated lunch bag w/ blue ice... Keeps everything fresh for lunch time.

Monday, August 20, 2007, 11:17 AM

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That's why there's a search function.

Monday, August 20, 2007, 11:24 AM

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I'm the OP. Thanks 11:03 and 11:24 am for being such jerks on my third day of PT. And I HAVE looked through the search function. I found only two threads on bringing food to work and almost all the suggestions listed need either a microwave or fridge. I don't have one of those nice little lounge kitchens that a lot of work places have. And I also don't have air conditioning in my building so anything like mayo shouldn't be eaten after sitting in the heat for four hours. If you don't like the post, please have the courtesy to either NOT post back since what you're saying is absolutely useless and just plain mean. While an overhashed thread does suck, so do pointless posts meant to put down other people.

Thanks for the insulated lunch bag idea. I'll look those up 11:17am.

Monday, August 20, 2007, 11:31 AM

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waaah. if you expect suggestions about using the search window to be sugar-coated in some fashion, you are too sensitive to be in the lounge area.

whatr about bringing a small "playmaye" cooler with your lunch?

Monday, August 20, 2007, 11:41 AM

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Well, I used to work outside everyday, all day, and my solution was to get a cooler and pack it with sandwiches, leftovers (some caseroles are just fine cold) or wraps or sometimes smoked fish and crackers, fruit, veggies and sometimes cheese. I packed lunch and an afternoon snack and all the liquids I would need for the day. Just about anything would get gross sitting in the hot cab of a pickup all day, so this was really the only way. I would pack a knife to cut up fruit, sanitary wipes for my hands and even dishes if I was so inclined ;-) It helps to pack several days worth of lunches and have them sitting in the fridge ready to go in the morning. Have the cooler packed the night before with everything but the food and ice and you're set.

There are some great soft-sided coolers out there with comfortable shoulder straps, and I had two sets of ice packs so even if I forgot to pop the ones from the day before back into the freezer, I had a spare set.

Bon appetite!

Monday, August 20, 2007, 11:46 AM

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OP welcome to PT, some people are not very friendly and some are in this section. you just have to ignore the rude ones.

i also don't have a fridge near me, like another poster i use a cooler back with a blue ice in it and it works really well! it even keeps my fruit cold for my afternoon snack. as far as a microwave goes, i bought a small one and put it in my cubicle. this time of year for back to school they're very cheap. if you can't do that... then at least you'll be able to eat your cold foods without worry of spoilage.

good luck!

Monday, August 20, 2007, 11:57 AM

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In a jam-if you don't have a small cooler or insulated lunch pack to bring to work-you can even put your food in a paper bag and put an ice pack or two on/around the food that most needs refrigerating. It will keep it cold enough for at least a few hours.

As for taking hummus to work-pick up some small tupperware style containers or save old jam jars, or small sour cream containers . . .throw a couple tablespoons in and you're all set.

Monday, August 20, 2007, 1:10 PM

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Something I'm muching on now that won't go bad:

2 slices bread
1 slice LF cheddar cheese
1 TBS salsa spread on one side
1 TBS hummus spread on the other
2-3 chicken strips
tomato slices

And if you heat it up and then put it in's still pretty good!

Monday, August 20, 2007, 3:03 PM

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That sounds excellent 3:03 - bet that'd be great in a wrap with some roasted red pepper - mmmmm

Monday, August 20, 2007, 3:46 PM

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OP - sorry for some of the responses...I just don't get it...

One of my new favorites are the Bumblebee (I think?) Tuna Sensations - they're small packs of tuna with various spices (Thai, Lemon Pepper, Sundried tomato) and a package of crackers. They're 200 calories and pretty good.

Monday, August 20, 2007, 4:10 PM

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Just do as you did as a kid with a lunchbox - sandwiches, fruit, 2-finger KitKat, juice box. Okay, so maybe replace the juice box with water and make the KitKat an occasional treat. Obviously meats don't spoil that quickly or else I'd have gotten sick all the time from my chicken salad staple! Just be careful not to use meats that you're little worried about. When I'm packing for much, much later on, I choose less perishable contents like cheese and tomato or PBnJ.

Monday, August 20, 2007, 4:35 PM

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