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Omega Eggs

Does anyone have any thoughts on the health benefits of "Vegetarian" eggs that are produced from cage-free hens fed only the finest natural grains and Omega 3 Fatty acids supplements? Supposedly, one egg has 150mg Omega 3 Fatty Acids. What exactly do we need Omega 3 for? Are there other Omega 3 food sources available for vegetarians?

Wed. Dec 28, 10:19pm

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I did a google search on "omega 3" and came up with this link:

It's just a random domain name, which made me somewhat suspicious, but I did a short cross-reference on the American Heart Association's omega-3 page, and it seemed to line up, so I think it's ok...if you're at all in doubt, double check things. (Here is the AHA website:

Here is what has to say for vegetarians:

For people who cannot contemplate eating fish, the omega-3s must come from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) This can be achieved by increasing intake of omega-3 rich foodssuch as flaxseed (linseed) oil, rapeseed (canola) oil, chia seeds, walnuts and walnut oil, and dark green leafy vegetables; it is vital that the intake of omega-6 fatty acids is kept in balance by closely monitoring vegetable oils and yellow fats (vegetable margarines made from sunflower/safflower oils) in the diet.

Vegetarian omega-3 ALA supplements are available, usually as flaxseed (linseed) oil.

Other parts of their website explain the comment about balancing omega-6 intake with omega-3 intake.


Thursday, December 29, 2005, 9:14 PM

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I don't know anything about "vegetarian" eggs, but I do try to buy cage-free eggs even though they are so much more expensive...I figure somewhere out there, a couple chickens are thanking me for it.

Thursday, December 29, 2005, 9:15 PM

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Omega eggs just don't taste like regular eggs and the yolks are more orange than yellow. Personally I don't like them.

- barbara.j

Friday, December 30, 2005, 7:08 AM

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