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Lap band
Anyone considering the lap band or had it?
Sat. Sep 1, 10:32am
no I havent even thought about surgery.. even at my heaviest ( 370 pounds). I never entertained the idea of going under the knife like that.. I guess maybe the thought scares me.. so many things could go wrong. I decided that I needed to lose the weight so I did it the old fashion way. no surgery, I did try the pills but realized they didnt work.. I realized there was no quick fix. if I wanted to lose the weight I had to work to achieve my goal weight.. Im still working towards that goal, but I am now 187.. I was 181, but my weight has been fluctuating a bit. its ok I have kept of the previous weight for 6 years. I will keep persevering untill I get to be where I want to be..
right now I am doing the fat smash.. its a awesome plan.. I have an amazing team. I love it.
I am not critisizing your thinking about surgery.. before someone jumps on this post like white on rice.. I am just saying there are alternative ways.. surgery isnt always the answer needed..I dont know you or what your situation is.
I just am sharing a bit of my journey.. if you need to talk my log is public..
if you are planning on surgery. do alot of research and make sure you go to someone with alot of experience. make sure they know what they are doing.
I wish you the best on whatever you decide..
Sunday, September 2, 2007, 6:08 AM
no I havent even thought about surgery.. even at my heaviest ( 370 pounds). I never entertained the idea of going under the knife like that.. I guess maybe the thought scares me.. so many things could go wrong. I decided that I needed to lose the weight so I did it the old fashion way. no surgery, I did try the pills but realized they didnt work.. I realized there was no quick fix. if I wanted to lose the weight I had to work to achieve my goal weight.. Im still working towards that goal, but I am now 187.. I was 181, but my weight has been fluctuating a bit. its ok I have kept of the previous weight for 6 years. I will keep persevering untill I get to be where I want to be..
right now I am doing the fat smash.. its a awesome plan.. I have an amazing team. I love it.
I am not critisizing your thinking about surgery.. before someone jumps on this post like white on rice.. I am just saying there are alternative ways.. surgery isnt always the answer needed..I dont know you or what your situation is.
I just am sharing a bit of my journey.. if you need to talk my log is public..
if you are planning on surgery. do alot of research and make sure you go to someone with alot of experience. make sure they know what they are doing.
I wish you the best on whatever you decide..
Sunday, September 2, 2007, 6:08 AM
no I havent even thought about surgery.. even at my heaviest ( 370 pounds). I never entertained the idea of going under the knife like that.. I guess maybe the thought scares me.. so many things could go wrong. I decided that I needed to lose the weight so I did it the old fashion way. no surgery, I did try the pills but realized they didnt work.. I realized there was no quick fix. if I wanted to lose the weight I had to work to achieve my goal weight.. Im still working towards that goal, but I am now 187.. I was 181, but my weight has been fluctuating a bit. its ok I have kept of the previous weight for 6 years. I will keep persevering untill I get to be where I want to be..
right now I am doing the fat smash.. its a awesome plan.. I have an amazing team. I love it.
I am not critisizing your thinking about surgery.. before someone jumps on this post like white on rice.. I am just saying there are alternative ways.. surgery isnt always the answer needed..I dont know you or what your situation is.
I just am sharing a bit of my journey.. if you need to talk my log is public..
if you are planning on surgery. do alot of research and make sure you go to someone with alot of experience. make sure they know what they are doing.
I wish you the best on whatever you decide..
Sunday, September 2, 2007, 6:08 AM
I agree with Lynneta. Please do some research and exhaust EVERY other option before surgery. Surgery should be a last ditch effort and too many people are choosing to go that route instead of doing the real work (not saying that this is you!).
I know a family that has several overweight members and they also have quite a bit of money. 3 of them decided to get the surgery. One has lost 100 lbs, and had to have excess skin removed, but she is still quite overweight, and doesn't exercise or follow her doctor's diet instructions and therefore is likely to have complications from the surgery and/or gain weight. Her mother had the surgery, but during it, the surgeon accidentally made an incision in her liver and she has had to spend many weeks in the hospital, and out of work in addition to the healing time she would have needed from the original surgery. Her liver won't be functioning at 100% now either. The 3rd person in this family is doing very well, follows doctor's orders, exercises, eats right and has very little problems from the surgery. Either way, the surgery is not 100% safe, foolproof or something to take lightly!
I think surgery is a great option if you are someone who has tried exercise and diet for many years and not had any luck, AND if mobility is severely limited AND your health depends on fast weight loss. A very small percentage of the population meets these criteria.
Sunday, September 2, 2007, 1:16 PM
I agree with Lynneta. Please do some research and exhaust EVERY other option before surgery. Surgery should be a last ditch effort and too many people are choosing to go that route instead of doing the real work (not saying that this is you!).
I know a family that has several overweight members and they also have quite a bit of money. 3 of them decided to get the surgery. One has lost 100 lbs, and had to have excess skin removed, but she is still quite overweight, and doesn't exercise or follow her doctor's diet instructions and therefore is likely to have complications from the surgery and/or gain weight. Her mother had the surgery, but during it, the surgeon accidentally made an incision in her liver and she has had to spend many weeks in the hospital, and out of work in addition to the healing time she would have needed from the original surgery. Her liver won't be functioning at 100% now either. The 3rd person in this family is doing very well, follows doctor's orders, exercises, eats right and has very little problems from the surgery. Either way, the surgery is not 100% safe, foolproof or something to take lightly!
I think surgery is a great option if you are someone who has tried exercise and diet for many years and not had any luck, AND if mobility is severely limited AND your health depends on fast weight loss. A very small percentage of the population meets these criteria.
Sunday, September 2, 2007, 1:16 PM
I agree with Lynneta. Please do some research and exhaust EVERY other option before surgery. Surgery should be a last ditch effort and too many people are choosing to go that route instead of doing the real work (not saying that this is you!).
I know a family that has several overweight members and they also have quite a bit of money. 3 of them decided to get the surgery. One has lost 100 lbs, and had to have excess skin removed, but she is still quite overweight, and doesn't exercise or follow her doctor's diet instructions and therefore is likely to have complications from the surgery and/or gain weight. Her mother had the surgery, but during it, the surgeon accidentally made an incision in her liver and she has had to spend many weeks in the hospital, and out of work in addition to the healing time she would have needed from the original surgery. Her liver won't be functioning at 100% now either. The 3rd person in this family is doing very well, follows doctor's orders, exercises, eats right and has very little problems from the surgery. Either way, the surgery is not 100% safe, foolproof or something to take lightly!
I think surgery is a great option if you are someone who has tried exercise and diet for many years and not had any luck, AND if mobility is severely limited AND your health depends on fast weight loss. A very small percentage of the population meets these criteria.
Sunday, September 2, 2007, 1:16 PM
I really think Lap band is for extreme cases - will power, a strategic plan and some good old hard work is the way to go. I have often heard people that have had it done become quite depressed as it is not that they dont loose weight, but the restricting feeling of just not being to eat larger bit size stuff and the awful sensation they get.
I think it should be well and truly the last resort!!
Monday, September 3, 2007, 12:33 AM
I really think Lap band is for extreme cases - will power, a strategic plan and some good old hard work is the way to go. I have often heard people that have had it done become quite depressed as it is not that they dont loose weight, but the restricting feeling of just not being to eat larger bit size stuff and the awful sensation they get.
I think it should be well and truly the last resort!!
Monday, September 3, 2007, 12:33 AM
I really think Lap band is for extreme cases - will power, a strategic plan and some good old hard work is the way to go. I have often heard people that have had it done become quite depressed as it is not that they dont loose weight, but the restricting feeling of just not being to eat larger bit size stuff and the awful sensation they get.
I think it should be well and truly the last resort!!
Monday, September 3, 2007, 12:33 AM
My aunt had gastric bypass surgery (not sure if it's the same/similar), and afterwards, could barely keep down a very tiny meal. She threw up after almost every meal, no matter how slowly she ate. But, she kept eating, and eventually stretched her "stomach pouch" back to a normal size - she effectively undid the surgery! She gained back all the weight plus more.
She ended up having the surgery again! I didn't live near her afterwards, so I don't know how it affected her. She has lost some weight, but is still very, very overweight.
In short, don't have the surgery if you're not prepared to do the additional work - eating right and exercising. And, if you're going to eat right and exercise, get in the habit before the surgery. And, by doing so, you'll probably start losing weight on your own, and if so, may not need the surgery!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007, 12:50 PM
My aunt had gastric bypass surgery (not sure if it's the same/similar), and afterwards, could barely keep down a very tiny meal. She threw up after almost every meal, no matter how slowly she ate. But, she kept eating, and eventually stretched her "stomach pouch" back to a normal size - she effectively undid the surgery! She gained back all the weight plus more.
She ended up having the surgery again! I didn't live near her afterwards, so I don't know how it affected her. She has lost some weight, but is still very, very overweight.
In short, don't have the surgery if you're not prepared to do the additional work - eating right and exercising. And, if you're going to eat right and exercise, get in the habit before the surgery. And, by doing so, you'll probably start losing weight on your own, and if so, may not need the surgery!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007, 12:50 PM
My aunt had gastric bypass surgery (not sure if it's the same/similar), and afterwards, could barely keep down a very tiny meal. She threw up after almost every meal, no matter how slowly she ate. But, she kept eating, and eventually stretched her "stomach pouch" back to a normal size - she effectively undid the surgery! She gained back all the weight plus more.
She ended up having the surgery again! I didn't live near her afterwards, so I don't know how it affected her. She has lost some weight, but is still very, very overweight.
In short, don't have the surgery if you're not prepared to do the additional work - eating right and exercising. And, if you're going to eat right and exercise, get in the habit before the surgery. And, by doing so, you'll probably start losing weight on your own, and if so, may not need the surgery!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007, 12:50 PM
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