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OT how much TV do you watch per day?

just curious I tend to watch anywhere from 1 to 2 hrs of TV usually at nite when I am just winding down, wanted to know how much everyone watches, there was a report in the Chicago tribune a few months ago that kids these days watch an average of 3 hrs per day of TV, no wonder test scores are so low. go figure

Tue. Sep 4, 3:42pm

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Probably about 1 hour a night depending on the day. Sometimes I go a week without watching at all. I also DVR any shows I watch so I don't have to sit through commercials which cuts my sitting time by a lot!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007, 4:04 PM

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I work from home and keep it on in the background for company at least 3 hours a day. I actively watch 1/2 hour in the morning and about 2 hours at night, depending on programming.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007, 5:44 PM

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Oh dear... I watch loads... I watch at least half an hour to an hour while I have breakfast, followed by 2-4 hours a night if I'm at home by myself (which is regularly - I live only with a housemate). If I get back from the gym around 8.30-9pm, I'll watch until 11pm - while making and eating dinner. I have friends who don't have tvs (I know! It's becoming very chichi in certain parts of London) and they always seem to be doing something active. But the telly's so good!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007, 6:45 AM

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1 hour per week for ER during the regular season, and often I'll have the baseball game on in the background while I'm doing other things (1/2 watching, at most). Sometimes I'll look for an episode of one of the CSIs if I'm really bored.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007, 2:24 PM

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I used to watch more TV until I had children. Since then, have only watched TV at night after they go to bed. Otherwise, is never on during the day except the 1-1.5 hrs per day (MAX, and usually only on a rainy day) that I let the kids watch. That, I limit to DVDs we have bought or PBS Kids. In the evenings, my husband and I either read or watch up to maybe 1.5 hrs of TV. I went to a seminar one time on personal finances. The man said that if people watch TV, it's their fault they're poor. He said: That time could be spent reading books on financial planning, investing, self-improvement. Time much better spent than on TV. I do agree and have tried to read more (esp nonfiction). However, haven't entirely kicked the TV habit just yet.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007, 2:51 PM

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